Bedtime Routines and Sleep Hygiene for Children of Different Ages

in bedtime •  8 months ago 

Bedtime Bliss for Kids!

Getting a good night's sleep is super important. Let's talk about bedtime routines for kids of all ages!


Little Tots (Ages 0-2)

For the itty-bitty ones, bedtime is all about cuddles, soft lullabies, and cozy jammies. Make sure to keep their sleep area safe and free from stuffies!


Young Explorers (Ages 3-6)

For the little explorers, it's storytime, brushing teeth, and hugging their favorite stuffed pals. Set a regular bedtime to keep them happy and well-rested.


Growing Up (Ages 7-12)

For the older kids, it's about winding down with a good book, turning off screens, and making their room feel comfy and dark. A consistent bedtime helps them feel super!


Teen Dreamers (Ages 13-18)

Teens need their sleep too! They should try to limit caffeine, keep a calming bedtime routine, and resist the urge to stay up all night. Sweet dreams are for everyone!


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