I recently recorded how my voice sounded while talking to a courier that would deliver my parcel the other week and I sounded much better than I expected. It is because before, when the bone overgrowth in my mouth is within its peak "flare-out", meaning the overgrowth below the inner gums at the back of my frontal teeth which is below the tongue and is touching my front palate. During that time, I cannot be understood when I speak because it is like I have tennis ball in my mouth plus the fact that I am so waterlogged and cannot breathe normally not to mention with a lingering pain all over my body.
The way I eat my food and drink fluids are also affected so I spent some time eating and drinking fluids while laying down which I have to otherwise my food and drink will just spill out from my mouth. It is just so sad ad frustrating while the Leontiasis is "maltransforming" my body into what it had become now. But it is a great thing that I finally overcame the worse as the improvements are still ongoing because I can both feel and see it which is some big thing to thank God for a million times for the reason that I feel blessed by God as if he pulled me off from being eaten by a quicksand of certain slow death.
The bone overgrowth in my facial bone within and out is getting smaller so because of that I still feel excited to see the light of days to come if God wills me to see those future times because even though I am in a very bad physical condition, I am still in high spirits especially now that it seems that I am continually overcoming one of the most difficult bone conditions humankind has to ever experience which is Leontiasis Ossea and tragically I was one out of few billion people who got it because of my long-term being a dialysis patient without getting a better medical attention for my bones which had lead into this bone condition that I am trying to manage.
So with the mercy and miracle of God, improvements are kept on happening and I am still observing it. Now my face is not as bog as before, I can eat upright and consume fluids without the problem of spilling them out from my mouth. I can also talk to people without them asking me to repeat what I just said and maybe soon I might be able to whistle again if my facial bone overgrowth keeps on diminishing. Now the case is that my face gets getting smaller and it could continue maybe until my original appearance goas back? Wow, if that happens and I am still alive to witness it, then I will go back to my Endocrinologist and let her see my fairly handsome face like what yo use in my profile photo although that one is a bit edited and yeah I look like that and maybe more handsome if I am just a little fat.
Well the world is is round and we do not know what the morrow will bring us and that is what I am saying in ma y instances,. But for me since I had a lot of miracles, grace and blessing from the Lord God, it is possible for me to expect more because i fee loved by God in many ways more than one and I can fee it in my bones, literally. Thanks be to God a million times, glory be to God forever, Amen.
I'm happy you're getting better. I hope you make full recovery to where you're able to do much more.
Thank you @yayogerardo, yes it is a miracle in the making because Leontiasis has no cure if not very expensive to manage because the medicine for it is expensive which also needs some surgical procedure to work better, but in my case with just taking vitamin K2 MK-7 with combination with Moringa powder in capsule form for my daily high nutrient consumption, it did a lot of improvement to the pint that I can already fee the bridge of my nose and maybe soon I can whistle again. The sound of my voice is normal again unlike if the former years back I sounded like.. well hopeless. 😀👍
May God bless you always for your kind thoughts and support. 🌹🌹🌹
UFOs are real Bruv
Miracle's Happening 🥓
It feels exciting to see what the next few months and years will bring me @frankbacon and it feels like a miracle, only it is just slow and steady but I have all the time in the world to wait, thank you for also valuing it, may God bless you always. 😀👍