RE: Politicians visits houses now to meet persons with disabilities to campaign "$" and secure a vote

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Politicians visits houses now to meet persons with disabilities to campaign "$" and secure a vote

in beblurt •  last month 

Lobbying, campaign contributions, and all that are like what you said "cute names" which are just bribes to make some if not much of them to make a law favoring the interests of these lobbyists. It is similar to when oil price deregulation is being discussed in the Senate in my country years ago, the representatives of oil giant retailers operating in my country were always present until the law got passed and afterwards the oil price went-up because it got "deregulated" but what really happened was the price of fuel go two steps higher when it comes to adjusting it up but when fuel price goes down, it barely makes an inch step back. Both the senators and the fuel retailers are happy regardless, an example on how politicians are moved because of bribe as another example of how graft and corruption works. 😞

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  ·  29 days ago  ·  

Very true, a sad state of affairs. And when you or I stand up against it we are terrorists or beaten as protesters.