My obsession for signal towers led to solving my deep need for entertainment and income

in beblurt •  2 months ago 




My obsession about getting a stable and fast signal source from our country's "bi-polistic" Telcos at the time that Internet via broadband connection became available. It is because at that time it already sparked my curiosity of what I will going to discover if I would be able to connect to it with ease. I also learned about it way back in the mid-90s because I read about it in one electronics hobby magazine and they are just calling it "Ethernet" where the magazine is just emphasizing about groups of computers within a neighborhood being connected together via cables which for me sounds like fun. Then a few years later, it was still just a dream for me to ever get connected to the Internet because I have possible money to ever afford computers even the second-hand ones as they still cost a lot of money and I cannot even think that I will ever quality for a job since I did stopped for pursuing my College degree because of my hopeless medical issue involving my Kidneys which are already sick even while I was still being conceived by my mother. Anyway, after getting the opportunity to use a better computer which was bought by my brother a few years before both of my Kidneys had conked-out on me, I used the PC only for gaming purposes because at that time the broadband connection is still impossible to happen for the reason that we have two monopolistic Telcos at that time both of which are commanding a high price for their broadband Internet services. However the other Telco is just truly not giving our neighborhood a 3G signal while the other one is too far away located in the other town next to my town as even sending text messages are a pain in the ass to send message through. So I did ended-up using the PC bought by my brother which at time was already a member of the same church that I had been a member a year before he did. It has a connection about purchasing the PC in the first place which is for me to get some entertainment value out of it because probably he knows that I am just bored staying at home and it concerned him since he got more emphatic for me after was able to be a member in our church. The PC was used as intended, only for gaming where years later I realized the the speed of the memory of the PC is just 128Ghz. That is why when I place certain games it will not get playable because the memory is just not enough and so the game freezes if I will not set the graphics setting in the game to lower levels, so much so that the output video would become grainy. The PC was not used to connect to the internet because of the aforementioned reasons and also because of the price of data for broadband Internet is too heavy for the pockets. I only get to taste the aroma of being connected to the Internet after my brother told me that his Nokia which was a gift from my sister for working abroad has a functionality of being a modem. So we tried it by suing a new SIM card and used the Nokia phone as a modem. It already gave me a level of cheer that the computer screen is slowly loading a webpage which I thought was normal. My brother had told me that it is just very slow but for me I am already getting entertained but also getting frustrated which I didn't mind since I have all the time in the world to wait. I also saw that my brother is looking at the browser history after I used it for quite a while and I mean just less than 20 minutes in the entire time that we got connected via that Nokia phone. Years later I realized that he was just investigating me for visiting elicit sites like pornography but he didn't find any because I am in no way in doing that because of my religious values. So it is funny to think that thinking about it later had made me aware about at one point in time he doubted my spiritual integrity by his cunning way of showing me that his Nokia phone has a modem.

After my brother sold the PC I went back again for being bored all the time because there is nothing to do around this house other than cleaning the house, cooking our meal, maybe doing a target shooting with my CO2 rifle at that time because I am still able to move normally despite that I had become a dialysis patient for a few years already. So my main source of entertainment was watching TV and waiting for a movie to get shown or when my brother would rent VCDs from the video rental shop located in our town. I just want to mask my resentment over what happened to me during those times even until now and more importantly now because I am just like a potato laying down on my bed and no one to talk with except for making short conversations to both of my parents. Anyway later my brother had bought me a Sony Playstation 2 so that I can use it as a replacement for the PC but since the games are hard to come-by and I do not want to ask my brother to buy some for me, I later get bored in using it since I already had a taste for playin g PC games and that the games in Sony Playstation 2 is like playing a Gameboy for me, besides I also cannot have the opportunity to connect to the Internet if I wanted too although I have no means necessary to ever afford buying a USB modem since those are also expensive let alone if I will load data packages unto the SIM that I will use for the purpose. Later after my eldest brother got married, they chose to stay living in our closed bakery and store which my brother had turned into a house. The introduction of my sister-in-law to our family was a blessing in disguise because later she bought an old PC and a USB dongle modem which introduced me in finding ways to entertain myself more by actually by being able to chat with other people and than it lead me to finding ways to download movies which at that time was an obsession for me in doing so because of course I cannot be able to rent movies and I can do it using a free VPN service which can use SIM cards which sometimes doesn't require a promo load to subscribe with and had done it for quite sometime until my Internet connection gets some improvement using a hacked WIMAX modem which can be programmed using the seller's command script or somebody's own command scripts and free MAC addresses so that the said modems can run and gave me faster Internet speeds which allowed me to finally watch YouTube videos rather than downloading movies because watching YouTube videos is just enough for me to ease my need for entertainment, besides I am already fed-up in using USB "Dongle Modems" which is not only slower but also the connection gets to be cut most of the time because of maybe overcapacity because the VPN which I was using is free and many people are using it too for downloading stuffs in the Internet.

I was already using my own PC at that time which I bought from the company which my bother is working from. He told me that their company is selling these old PC's and wants me to take the opportunity in buying one of those. Used the money that he used to give me for aiding my need to pay for my already free dialysis treatment offered by our church which at first, taking some payment with a discounted price from us and later we got it for free but with a degraded service because when it was still "not free", the head nurse was offering me to have a three times dialysis session which I do not but I can't afford it, and when it got free, the same head nurse that they do not have the time for it. It is because of course, the will just be slaving more for their work without gaining anything from it. That is why I have an evil inkling that they are using the money that they get from the dialysis patients for themselves somehow because they are also giving us this mock receipts made from cut-up cardboard pieces which I really found to be fishy and those are the reasons why at some point, both of the head nurse and her husband the doctor are not that "straight" and I hope that I am really wrong about that, bit still I am thanking God because he helped me in bridging my life because of my church. Anyway, my improved internet connection paved another way for me to help support myself larger than I ever had imagine because of the fact that I am now making money like magic although it is not as easy as anyone can think but it is much better for my case and situation in life because it also gives me joy and the feeling of worthiness in society. I already told this story before and it was a story of one thing had lead to a (much better) another as if it was my destiny to land into a better life despite that it is just "too little too late" for me to get it because after the end of it all, I am just empowered enough to "keep my head above water" for other people to see that in places of deep troubles and misery, lies a hope for solution and comfort like finding an Oasis in the middle of the forbidding heat of the Desert. All in all, I find myself to be just lucky but I don't got luck, I searched for it and because I have God in my life, I found it one luck at a time and I thank God for his unspeakable works which is what happened to my life from being as helpless as a newborn without a Mom to a self-supporting handicap man with a chance to make it bigger in his own right and view.

I happen to capture these signal towers while we are on our way to and back from my dialysis clinic and it was these signal towers that took my attention along with other scenes during the rainy morning and basically al the wet hours of the day yesterday. Even until now the sky is grey because there was a storm located inn the northern provinces which I hope will go away soon because it produces floods already in some parts of my town. Now it is sure that a Typhoon will be entering this main island where my Province is situated so I hope that it will not get worse because weak Typhoons always create a tail of heavy rains, these rains just causes myself and my poor parents a great deal of stress and inconvenience because it will mean that they will have to scape the water out from this house's flooded floor and it is not that easy to do it nor myself wading through the flood with my balance being out of order because of my physical handicap. I have to trust God for his protection because we live in a place where these things happens a lot and nothing that we can do but to hope for a better abode to stay into and I hope that it will come to a reality soon before we fade-away from this world which is what my mother said to me which is always sticking into my mind but nothing is impossible to God and to see that it will might come sooner than I expected is what make some wide smile in my face. There are many signal towers leading to where I live, they are situated near the hi-way just after the barrio near my barrio where I live. The thing is that they are owned by the same telecommunications company (Telco) and I do not use those signals which they provide. At least one of them can deliver 5G signals which I do not use anyway because my old Smartphone is not equipped with using 5G signals anyways but my point is that I cannot use my Smartphone to call or receive call for both of my basic phone and Smartphone especially my basic phone which I use for texting and calling purposes and because I use the SIM cards that they contain for their important use for me. Unfortunately they are using the weaker signal that my other Telco delivers from who knows where its own signal tower is located. maybe one reason is that my own place has at least a level of dead signal and I have to contend with it until maybe the Telco that I use with the SIM cards would make a signal tower close to my place. I also have to use their service because they offer a non-expiry data load which you can use for as long as you like but just to keep in mind to load your SIM card with a regular load or else the SIM card will the deactivated. The other Telco which has a better signal for my place doesn't offer such load promo but rather packages of loads which have an expiry date and I really do not like that because I will tend to lose money if I will not be able to use it entirely considering that prepaid loads are still expensive until now. So it makes sense for me to opt-in for a non-expiry load which will remain good until you used it all up and it takes years really if I will use them like for example when I am waiting for my turn to get hooked-up for my dialysis treatment. That is why it is so important for me even if the signal is weak here in my place from the said Telco. My father always insists of going early for my dialysis schedule because he is racing to get a better parking space in the parking area at the back of my dialysis center so that according to him, he needs to park where the car will be in the shade because he just prefers to stay in the car for waiting for my treatment session to end rather than socialize with the relatives of other dialysis patients in the small rest house hut which is also located beside that small parking space.

With regards to signal towers, they are an utmost importance to my life especially before when I was just starting to find ways to help and support myself from my prodigal life where money is just used heavily for my desire to live on which by the mercy of God I did after breaking through with the final opportunity to put myself into a better financial position which is now my instrument to fulfill some of my new life goals. The overwhelming improvement in communications technology like the rise of the internet had been a major key that I used to allow myself to receive support from people who are now I am indebted with, but I know that God will repay them for whatever they did to me positively. Currently it is still impossible for me to return to my normal self and I guess that I will just take this handicap into my final carnal resting place because my misery had been my twin brother all throughout my lifetime which made us siblings five in the family. Also, now that I am connected to the "wired" Internet source to give me the ability to do my online activities of some types including the aspect of using my Internet connection for entertainment purposes, it helped me a lot from a potential depressive state of mind if madness doesn't take me first, given the physical and medical circumstances that I am permanently dealing with, now I am truly grateful for it more, particularly that making some "money" out from tree, thanks be to God for hos unspeakable gifts of old and new.

ᴬᴸᴸ ᴾᴴᴼᵀᴼˢ ᴬᴮᴼᵛᴱ ᴬᴿᴱ ᶜᴬᴾᵀᵁᴿᴱᴰ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴼᵂᴺᴱᴰ ᴮᵞ @cryptopie



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