Fuera del negocio [Final](BigVERSO)

in beblurt •  2 days ago 


Fuera del negocio - La cena.

La chica salto hasta la cama y se apresuro en tomar los signos vitales del doctor, el alemán no tenía pulso, su corazón no latia y tampoco habia una señal de que respirara!!!, Penélope se preocupo, habia usado tantas veces la burundanga para esquilmar a algunos de sus clientes aun antes de conocer a Will que sabia perfectamente que la droga no era capaz de ocasionar un ataque fulminante en sus victimas no era normal que Adler reaccionara de esa manera a la droga.


Se levanto y se apuro en ir corriendo a buscar las llaves del apartamento donde vio que las coloco Adler, cuando las tuvo corrió hasta la puerta para dejar entrar a Will que esperaba en el pasillo fuera del penthouse, al abrir la puerta lo tomo por el brazo y lo jalo hacia adentro!!!.

-¿Que Demonios has hecho Will?, el hombre esta muerto!!!.


-Cálmate bebe, llevame a la habitación!!!-, Penélope le indico el camino.

Cuando entraron al cuarto principal Will ni si quiera se molesto en revisar los signos vitales del doctor Adler sabía perfectamente que estaba bien muerto!!!, habia sustituido el contenido del pequeño envase donde Penélope llevaba la burundanga por un poderoso veneno, desde un principio su plan era que Adler no saliera con vida de aquel encuentro furtivo y si Penélope se ponía obtusa tampoco lo haría.

-He usado muchas veces burundanga, solo le puse en su copa de champan la dosis que suelo usar para estos casos, ¿ que Diablos hiciste Will ?.

-La cambie por veneno!!!, ahora necesito que te calmes y me escuches muy bien!!!, te mentí desde un principio el tal Adler no solo cuenta con unos 100,000$ en criptomonedas en su cuenta si no que son mas de 3,000,000$!!!, ¿escuchaste bien bebe?, 3 millones de dolares!!!.


-Malditasea Will debiste hablar conmigo primero!!!.

-Bebe cuando le robamos 10,000$ o 20,000$ a esos gordos pendejos que solemos estafar la mayoría prefiera cerrar la boca y no ir a la policía a denunciarnos porque eso significaría que tendría que pasar la vergüenza de reconocer frente a sus familias que los esquilmo una astuta puta!!!, es gracias a eso y a tus cambios de nombre y físico luego de cada robo que hemos podido actuar impunemente y evitar ser detenidos por la policía durante tanto tiempo!!!, pero cuando te robas 3,000,000$ puedes estar segura que el tal doctor Adler iba a remover cielo y tierra para recuperar su dinero, hasta sería capaz de contratar unos asesinos para ir tras nosotros!!!, asesinándolo primero nosotros nos evitamos todos esos problemas.


-Puta madre Will!!!, tenias que avisarme antes, tu pusiste el veneno en el frasco pero yo se lo suministre, yo nunca habia matado a nadie!!! a nadie ¿ me oyes Will?, no soy una asesina!!!.

-Si te oigo, sera mejor que te calmes y dejes de lloriquear Penélope, precisamente por eso no te dije un Carajo!!!, no iba a dejar que se me escapara esta oportunidad de las manos por tus escrúpulos infantiles a lo hecho pecho el hombre esta muerto y ahora solo nos queda llevarnos su dinero y largarnos de aquí sin dejar evidencias.

-¿Que vas a hacer con el guardia de seguridad que esta allá abajo en la entrada del edificio?, ya nos vio la cara y ademas de que seguramente nuestra llegada al edificio debe estar grabada en los videos de vigilancia zoquete!!!.


-Jajaja, nada que una buena cantidad de dolares no solucione y si el guardia de seguridad no acepta!!!-, Will levanto su camisa y le mostró a Penélope un arma de fuego que llevaba oculta bajo sus ropas, la chica nunca antes se la habia visto.

-Malditasea Will!!!-, grita Penélope pero se tranquilizo en el acto pensando con calma, esa arma no solo era para disuadir al guardia de seguridad, la avaricia de Will se habia desbordado ante la posibilidad de obtener tal fortuna, estaba irreconocible si ella se negaba a colaborar con el al día siguiente cuando llegara la policía al penthouse, en la cama junto al cadáver de Adler hallarían también el suyo.


-¿Ahora me dejas hacer mi trabajo amor?-, Penélope se sirvió una copa de champan antes de responder.

-Esta bien Will como tu quieras terminemos de robar al doctor y larguémonos de aquí lo antes posible.

-Esa es mi chica, se que sigues molesta pero son 3 millones de dolares bebe!!!, esa cantidad de dinero no la iba dejar perder de ninguna manera, en un par de días cuando estemos disfrutando fuera del país en la playa privada de un hotelde 5 estrellas en alguna isla del Caribe se te habrá pasado tu enojo yo te conozco!!!, este es el trabajo que unos estafadores como nosotros esperan durante toda su vida Penélope!!!, ganar con un solo golpe el suficiente dinero para retirarse y no tener que volver a trabajar nunca mas en nuestras vidas!!!.


Will camino hacia el escritorio donde estaba el computador de Adler saco sus cosas y se sentó a trabajar, mientras escuchaba los dedos de su novio tecleando Penélope se tomaba un minuto para sopesar todo lo sucedido, estaba muy molesta pero su rostro lo disimulaba mostrando una sonrisa de aprobación debía engañar a Will por el momento, pero la mujer estaba clara, una cosa es que ella fuera una flor de la noche, que vendía su cuerpo por dinero, una ladrona que esquilmaba viejos verdes que buscaban placer viéndola desnudarse atraves de las pantallas de sus computadores o teléfonos, pero definitivamente no era ninguna asesina!!!, esa era una linea que jamas hubiera cruzado con conocimiento de causa, Penélope se sentó en la cama muy cerca del cadáver de Adler mientras se vestía antes de colocarse sus tacones, la flor de la noche sacaba las cuentas este no solo seria su ultimo trabajo como una cyber ladrona que se desnudaba por dinero engañando a sus victimas, también marcaba el fin de su relación con Will, ya no podía confiar en su novio nunca mas, esa misma noche mas tarde cuando regresaran a su apartamento lo convencería para que comprara un par de botellas de licor para celebrar, luego de hacer el amor dos o tres veces cuando estuviera bien borracho aprovecharía para drogarlo con algo de burundanga, de esa forma se llevaría la mitad de las criptos que le estaban robando al doctor Adler, era lo justo lo que le correspondía por derecho!!!, la chica algo habia aprendido del mundo de las Criptomonedas en estos tres años gracias a su relación con Will, tenía su propia Wallet, aunque mejor era crear una nueva que no conociera su novio, luego transferiría su parte de las criptos y las vendería posteriormente eso tampoco serian ningún problema para ella!!!, cuando termino de ponerse sus tacones llamo a su novio:


-Vamos Will apúrate ya quiero largarme de aquí!!!-, La chica estaba tan metida en lo suyo que no noto que hace unos minutos dejo de escuchar el sonido del teclado bajo los dedos de su novio, Will no respondió.

-¿Te vas tan pronto Schatz?, pero si todavía no nos hemos divertido lo suficiente!!!-, dijo el doctor Adler que se levanto de la cama justo al lado de Penélope tan fresco como una lechuga!!!


-AAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!-, Grito la chica de pavor, saliendo disparada por la puerta de la habitación abandonando a Will que seguía inmóvil sentado frente al computador sin reaccionar, la flor de la noche corrió hasta la puerta principal del penthouse por suerte aún tenía las llaves consigo, pero cuando trato de abrir la puerta estaba bloqueada, la llave abría la cerradura pero la puerta contaba con un sistema mucho mas sofisticado que la habia sellado, corrió entonces hasta la terraza para tratar de escapar por el balcón o pedir ayuda, pero las puertas también estaban cerradas!!!, Penélope golpeaba con todas sus fuerzas el vidrio mientras gritaba, -Auxilio, ayuda!!!-. pero afuera del apartamento nadie la oía, sus gritos y sus golpes eran ahogados dentro del penthouse que no solo estaba completamente cerrado si no también insonorizado.


En la habitación el doctor Adler se acercaba a Will que seguía petrificado como un muñeco frente a su computador, el doctor gira la silla para que el cyber estafador lo vea de frente a sus ojos.

-¿Que tal la escopolomina William?, es una formula personal que he venido perfeccionado por mas de 60 años, aunque hoy trataras de envenenarme con otra veneno, te puedo asegurar que mi formula es muy superior a la basura que tu y tu novia regularmente usan, la coloque por todo el teclado, ¿como fue que dijiste?, ¿que hoy iba a ser su último trabajo, cierto?, bueno les cumplí su deseo, tu y Penélope están fuera del negocio!!!.


Will podía oir con debilidad el tenue llanto y los gritos que afuera de la habitación emitía Penélope que seguía tratando inútilmente de buscar una forma de escapar de la trampa mortal en la que habían caído, mientras veía horrorizado al frente suyo sin poder gritar, moverse o cerrar sus ojos, como el doctor Adler se transformaba en un ser horripilante, su piel se torno negra, filosas garras como cuchillos remplazaron a sus dedos, y unos enormes colmillos salían de su hocico, Adler abrió su boca al máximo y clavo sus colmillos en su cuello extrayendo toda su sangre, Will sintió como con cada gota de sangre su fuerza vital se apagaba... En una ciudad tan peligrosa como Caótica hasta los mas hábiles y astutos tiburones que nunca antes habían sido atrapados, pueden caer en la trampa de un depredador mucho mas grande y fuerte que los convierte en su cena!!!.



*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***


Out of business - Dinner.

The girl jumped up to the bed and rushed to take the doctor's vital signs. The German had no pulse, his heart was not beating and there was no sign that he was breathing!!! Penelope was worried, she had used the burundanga so many times to fleecing some of his clients even before meeting Will, who knew perfectly well that the drug was not capable of causing a sudden attack in his victims, it was not normal for Adler to react that way a the drug.


She got up and hurriedly ran to look for the keys to the apartment where he saw Adler place them, when he had them he ran to the door to let in Will who was waiting in the hallway outside the penthouse, when he opened the door he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside!!!

-What the hell have you done, Will? The man is dead!!!


-Calm down baby, take me to the room!!!-, Penelope showed him the way.

When they entered the main room, Will did not even bother to check Dr. Adler's vital signs, he knew perfectly well that he was very dead!!!, he had replaced the contents of the small container where Penelope carried the burundanga with a powerful poison, from the beginning his The plan was that Adler would not come out of that furtive encounter alive and if Penelope became obtuse she would not do so either.

-I have used burundanga many times, I only put in his champagne glass the dose that I usually use for these cases, what the hell did you do Will?

-I changed it for poison!!!, now I need you to calm down and listen to me very well!!!, I lied to you from the beginning, this Adler not only has about $100,000 in cryptocurrencies in his account but there are more than 3,000,000 $!!!, did you hear right baby?, 3 million dollars!!!.


-Damn it Will, you should have talked to me first!!!

-Baby, when we steal $10,000 or $20,000 from those fat assholes that we usually scam, the majority would prefer to keep their mouths shut and not go to the police to report us because that would mean that they would have to go through the shame of admitting in front of their families that I cheated them out cunning bitch!!!, it is thanks to that and your changes in name and physique after each robbery that we have been able to act with impunity and avoid being detained by the police for so long!!!, but when you steal $3,000,000 you can be sure that This Dr. Adler was going to move heaven and earth to recover his money, he would even be able to hire some assassins to go after us!!! By murdering us first we avoid all those problems.


-Fucking Will!!!, you had to tell me before, you put the poison in the bottle but I supplied it to him, I had never killed anyone!!! Nobody, do you hear me, Will? I'm not a murderer!!!

-If I hear you, you better calm down and stop whining Penelope, that's precisely why I didn't say shit to you!!!, I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through my hands because of your childish scruples about what you've done. man is dead and now we only have to take his money and get out of here without leaving evidence.

-What are you going to do with the security guard who is down there at the entrance to the building? He already saw our faces and besides, surely our arrival at the building must be recorded in the surveillance videos, you idiot!!!


-Hahaha, nothing that a good amount of dollars won't solve and if the security guard doesn't accept!!!-, Will lifted his shirt and showed Penelope a firearm that he had hidden under his clothes, the girl had never before I had seen her.

-Damn it Will!!!-, Penelope shouted but calmed down immediately, thinking calmly, that weapon was not only to deter the security guard, Will's greed had overflowed at the possibility of obtaining such a fortune, he was unrecognizable if She refused to collaborate with him the next day when the police arrived at the penthouse, in the bed next to Adler's body they would also find hers.


-Now will you let me do my job, love?-, Penelope poured herself a glass of champagne before responding.

-Okay, Will, whatever you want, finish robbing the doctor and let's get out of here as soon as possible.

-That's my girl, I know you're still upset but it's 3 million dollars baby!!!, I was not going to let her lose that amount of money in any way, in a couple of days when we are enjoying outside the country on the private beach of a 5 star hotel on some island in the Caribbean your anger will have passed, I know you!!!, this is the job that scammers like us wait for all their lives Penelope!!!, to earn enough money with a single blow to retire and never have to work again in our lives!!!


Will walked to the desk where Adler's computer was, took out his things and sat down to work, while listening to his boyfriend's fingers typing. Penelope took a minute to weigh everything that had happened. She was very upset but her face hid it by showing a smile. approval had to deceive Will for the moment, but the woman was clear, it was one thing for her to be a flower of the night, who sold her body for money, a thief who fleeced dirty old men who sought pleasure by watching her undress on the screens. of their computers or phones, but she was definitely no murderer!!!, that was a line she would never have crossed knowingly, Penelope sat on the bed very close to Adler's corpse while she dressed before putting on her heels, the flower of the night did the math, this would not only be her last job as a cyber thief who stripped naked for money by deceiving her victims, it also marked the end of her relationship with Will, she could no longer trust her boyfriend anymore, that That same night, later when they returned to his apartment, he would convince him to buy a couple of bottles of liquor to celebrate. After making love two or three times, when he was very drunk, he would take the opportunity to drug him with some burundanga, that way he would take the money. half of the cryptocurrencies that were being stolen from Dr. Adler, was just what was rightfully his!!!, the girl had learned something about the world of Cryptocurrencies in these three years thanks to her relationship with Will, she had her own Wallet , although it was better to create a new one that her boyfriend didn't know, then she would transfer her part of the cryptos and sell them later that wouldn't be any problem for her either!!!, when she finished putting on her heels she called her boyfriend:


-Come on, Will, hurry up, I want to get out of here!!! - The girl was so involved in her own thing that she didn't notice that a few minutes ago she stopped hearing the sound of the keyboard under her boyfriend's fingers. Will didn't respond.

-Are you leaving so soon Schatz? But we haven't had enough fun yet!!!- said Dr. Adler who got out of bed right next to Penelope as fresh as a lettuce!!!


-AAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!-, the girl screamed in terror, rushing out the door of the room, abandoning Will who was still sitting motionless in front of the computer without reacting, the flower of the night ran to the main door of the penthouse, luckily she still had The keys were with him, but when he tried to open the door it was locked, the key opened the lock but the door had a much more sophisticated system that had sealed it, he then ran to the terrace to try to escape through the balcony or ask for help, but the doors were also closed!!!, Penelope hit the glass with all her strength while shouting, -Help, help!!!-. But outside the apartment no one heard her, her screams and blows were muffled inside the penthouse that was not only completely closed but also soundproof.


In the room, Dr. Adler approached Will, who was still petrified like a doll in front of his computer. The doctor turned his chair so that the cyber scammer could see him in front of his eyes.

-How about scopolomine William? It is a personal formula that I have been perfecting for more than 60 years. Even if today you tried to poison me with another poison, I can assure you that my formula is far superior to the garbage that you and your girlfriend regularly use. They use it, I placed it all over the keyboard, how did you say? That today was going to be your last job, right? Well, I granted your wish, you and Penelope are out of business!!!


Will could faintly hear the faint crying and screams that Penelope was emitting outside the room, who was still trying in vain to find a way to escape from the deadly trap in which they had fallen, while he looked in horror in front of him, unable to scream, move or close his eyes, as Dr. Adler transformed into a horrifying being, his skin turned black, sharp claws like knives replaced his fingers, and enormous fangs came out of his snout, Adler opened his mouth to the maximum and stuck his fangs into His neck drawing out all his blood, Will felt how with each drop of blood his life force was extinguished... In a city as dangerous as Chaotic, even the most skillful and cunning sharks that had never been caught before, can fall into the trap of a much larger and stronger predator that turns them into its dinner!!!



Capitulo Anterior:
Los tiburones

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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