El titiritero (Historia de miedo para gatos)

in beblurt •  last year 

imageEl titiritero

Marta y su hermoso gato Maximilian tenían unos 10 años viviendo juntos, gracias a un encuentro fortuito en la estación de trenes de ciudad Caótica, cuando Marta arribo a la gran capital desde un pueblito perdido en la frontera para cursar estudios superiores en la Universidad, en aquel entonces Maximilian estaba muy pequeño, flaco de pasar hambre y necesidades en la calle, Marta no tuvo corazón al ver aquel pequeño gato desprotegido de dejarlo abandonado allí, lo metió en su bolso y se lo llevo con ella, 10 años después Marta ya estaba graduada de abogada y ejerciendo su profesión, habia sido contratada en un nuevo bufete de abogados, por comodidad la joven mujer y su gato se mudaron a un nuevo departamento, mucho mas grande y cómodo en un nuevo edificio propiedad de su bufete.

A Maximilian le encanto el lugar, las caminerías y áreas verdes del complejo habitacional eran grandes y espaciosas, mucho sitio donde jugar o descansar, ademas de conseguirse una nueva novia, una pequeña gata de angora llamada Melody muy linda!!!, otro plus para el gato era que no habían muchos humanos viviendo allí,, a Marta por el contrario le preocupaba lo desolado del lugar.
El edificio era nuevo, lo acababan de inaugurar hace pocos, aunque las áreas comunes estaban terminadas, algunos departamentos le faltaban los acabados, mas del 70% del edificio estaba deshabitado. No tenían ni una semana de haberse mudado a su nueva residencia cuando sonó el timbre de la puerta, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, cuando Marta abre la puerta era Woj Dulka, el único vecino que tenían en el mismo piso, a Maximilian no le gusto mucho aquel sujeto, lo esmirriado, flaco, ademas de andar siempre con una cara de espanto!!!.

Pero a Marta su dueño, que con 28 años estaba preocupada por quedarse para solterona, aquel extranjero educado, no le pareció ni muy feo, ni muy flaco, Woj Dulka era eslavo, según le comento su vecino sobre su país de origen, en la pequeña conversación inicial que sostuvieron, todo era sonrisas de lado y lado, ni corta ni perezosa Marta invito a Woj a cenar esa misma noche, tratando de conseguirse un novio, cuando escucho que el eslavo estaba soltero, Maximilian por su parte estaba que mataba y comía del muerto, no le gustaba para nada el galán, no seria la primera vez que le tocaba intimidar uno de los pretendiente locos que se encontraba Marta, la joven mujer no tenía mucho tino en eso de encontrar pareja. Esa mismo día ya en la noche cuando Woj toco a la puerta trajo consigo una botella de vino y una caja, -¿ que pendejada traerá en la caja?-, maullaba Maximilian, durante toda la cena el gato le hizo sus peores caretos y gruñidos pero el muy hombre no le presto mayor atención, estaba embelesado con Marta y sus bellos ojos, o eso pensaba Maximilian. Cuando terminaron de cenar, Woj abrió la caja introdujo sus manos y estas salieron con dos calcetines con unos botones pegados, a Maximilian le pareció la demostración mas patética de pretendiente alguno de Marta hasta la fecha, hasta el idiota que vivía viéndose los músculos a cada oportunidad que tenía frente un espejo era mejor que este espantapájaros, pero una cosa pensaba el gato y otra Marta, la joven abogada estaba mas que maravillada con las habilidades teatrales del eslavo, que represento un mini obra de pocos minutos.

Luego de esa primera cena de abreboca la relación entre Woj y Marta florecía, bueno solo cuando Maximilian estaba paseando con su novia Melody, porque cuando el gato estaba presente en la casa no perdía oportunidad de importunarlos, poniéndole las cosas difíciles al eslavo, el gato saltaba sobre el sofá cuando el flaco esmirriado trataba de besar a Marta o ponerse mas romántico, Woj supo desde el primer momento que el gato de su novia vecina supondría un problema en su relación, Marta adoraba a Maximilian. Así que esa noche cuando el eslavo retorno a su departamento, rebusco en su armario, dentro de un viejo baúl cerrado con varios candados que rara vez abría desde que lo habia traído desde su madre patria, adentro estaba la solución a su problema, extrajo un viejo libro que habia pasado de generación en generación en su familia de artistas callejeros, Woj paso toda la noche cosiendo, cortando y pegando retazos, siguiendo las indicaciones de libro paso a paso, seria una forma cruel de terminar con su problema, pero debía deshacerse del gato.

Al día siguiente Woj vigilaba por la mirilla de su departamento, esperando a que Maximilian saliera a su paseo de todas las tardes con su novia Melody, cuando vio al gato bajar por las escaleras, tomo el muñeco que habia confeccionado y camino hasta la puerta de su novia vecina, toco a la puerta, Marta le permitió pasar, luego del saludo y unos besos correspondientes, Marta quedo maravillada con el gran detalle que su novio Woj le habia traído a su gato Maximilian, estaba segura que le iba a encantar!!!, aprovechando la oportunidad Woj la invito al cine y dejaron el muñeco sobre el sofá para que Maximilian lo encontrase a su regreso. Un par de horas después cuando regreso Maximilian se encontro con el monigote remedo de un tiburón sobre el sofá, su humana Marta no estaba por ningún lado, el gato olfateo el peluche, el olor del eslavo esta impregnado en el, el astuto gato supo entonces de donde provenía tal abominación.

Luego de un buen round de boxeo donde Maximilian se dio gusto golpeando salvajemente a mansalva al tiburón de peluche, el gato sintiéndose triunfador lo arrojo al piso para luego recostarse en el sofá con la intención de dormitar un rato mientras esperaba el retorno de Marta, tenía mucha hambre, quizás un par de latas de atún o unas sardinas serian suficientes, Maximilian estiraba sus patas poniéndose a gusto, luego de un rato termina por quedarse dormido, -tanta, tanta, tantaTAN!!!-, Maximilian despierta alertado por su sexto sentido gatuno, algo pasaba, lo podía oler en el ambiente, el muñeco que había dejado tirado en el suelo luego de la paliza que le propino hace un buen rato, ahora estaba montado de regreso en el sofá!!!, -¿quien lo subió allí?-, se pregunta Maximilian si Marta todavía no habia regresado, el gato lo observo por un rato, le dio un buen jack y lo mando de nuevo al suelo, volviendo recostar para hasta dormirse, -tanta, tanta, tanta, TANTATAN!!!-, -MeeeooW!!!-, maullo Maximilian al presentir el movimiento del peluche, el gato se levanta y voltea todo en un mismo movimiento felino súper coordinado, el tiburón de felpa estaba a sus espaldas abriendo sus fauces vorazmente, Maximilian trata de defenderse contraatacando con sus golpes de boxeo, pensando que seria presa fácil como en su primer encuentro, pero ahora era diferente, el muñeco había cobrado vida!!!, sus golpes y arañazos no le hacían el menor daño, en un ataque feroz y certero el escualo de felpa se trago a Maximilian de un solo bocado, el pobre gato no le dio tiempo de dar un último maullido pidiendo auxilio!!!.


Esa misma noche un poco mas tarde, Woj se despedía de su novia vecina en la puerta con un apasionado beso, Marta entro llamando a su gato, pero no encontro a Maximilian por ningún lado, se preocupo un poco, el solía salir a divertirse pero siempre regresaba a casa en la noche para comer y dormir, la joven abogada paso muy mala noche preocupada por su gato.

Al día siguiente, hasta la angora Melody se apersono el departamento de su novio para preguntar por Maximilian al que no veía desde ayer, Marta no pudo entender sus maullidos, pero comprendió que al igual que ella la gata estaba preocupada, las dos esperaron juntas un rato hasta que Melody se retiro a su casa, un rato después,luego de que paso la hora del almuerzo, Maximilian seguía sin dar señales de vida, Marta entro en pánico, llamo a su novio eslavo para que la ayudara a buscar a su gato, Woj no tardo ni 10 minutos en tocar a su puerta, el hombre como si fuera adivino ya venia preparado con una resma de papel blanco para empezar a imprimir los carteles de «se busca», luego ayudaría a Marta a colocarlos por todo el edificio y los alrededores, Marta entre sollozos le contó que desde que se hizo cargo de Maximilian 10 años atrás jamas habían pasado una noche separados, ella presentía que algo grave le había pasado a su gato, Woj le daba ánimos y apoyo diciéndole que pronto lo enconarían, mientras el pobre Maximilian se encontraba cautivo aun con vida atrapado en la barriga del muñeco de el titiritero.


😾 🙀 😸 🐯 😸 😾 🙀


The puppeteer

Marta and her beautiful cat Maximilian had been living together for about 10 years, thanks to a chance meeting at the train station in Chaotic City, when Marta arrived in the great capital from a small town lost on the border to pursue higher education at the University, in At that time Maximilian was very small, skinny from being hungry and in need on the street, Marta had no heart when she saw that little unprotected cat and left him abandoned there, she put it in her bag and took it with her, 10 years later Marta was already Graduated as a lawyer and practicing her profession, she had been hired in a new law firm. For convenience, the young woman and her cat moved to a new apartment, much larger and more comfortable in a new building owned by her firm.

Maximilian loved the place, the paths and green areas of the housing complex were large and spacious, plenty of room to play or rest, in addition to getting a new girlfriend, a very cute little Angora cat named Melody!!!, another plus for him The problem was that there were not many humans living there. Marta, on the other hand, was concerned about the desolation of the place.

The building was new, it had just been inaugurated a few years ago. Although the common areas were finished, some apartments were missing finishes. More than 70% of the building was uninhabited. They had not even moved into their new residence a week when the doorbell rang, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, when Marta opened the door it was Woj Dulka, the only neighbor they had in the same house. floor, Maximilian didn't really like that guy, how scrawny, skinny, in addition to always walking around with a scared face!!!.

But to Marta, his owner, who at 28 years old was worried about remaining a spinster, that educated foreigner did not seem very ugly or very skinny. Woj Dulka was Slavic, according to what his neighbor told him about his country of origin, in the The small initial conversation they had, it was all smiles from side to side, without hesitation, Marta invited Woj to dinner that same night, trying to find a boyfriend, when she heard that the Slav was single, Maximilian, for his part, was dying and She ate from the dead, she didn't like the gallant at all, it wouldn't be the first time that she had to intimidate one of the crazy suitors that Marta found, the young woman didn't have much sense when it came to finding a partner. That same day at night, when Woj knocked on the door, he brought with him a bottle of wine and a box, "What nonsense is he bringing in the box?" Maximilian meowed, throughout dinner the cat made his worst insults and growls at him. but the very man did not pay much attention to her, he was enthralled with Marta and her beautiful eyes, or so Maximilian thought. When they finished dinner, Woj opened the box, put his hands in and they came out with two socks with some buttons attached to them. Maximilian thought it was the most pathetic demonstration by any of Marta's suitors to date, even the idiot who lived seeing his muscles at every turn. The opportunity he had in front of a mirror was better than this scarecrow, but the cat thought one thing and Marta thought another. The young lawyer was more than amazed by the theatrical skills of the Slav, who performed a mini play of a few minutes.

After that first snack dinner, the relationship between Woj and Marta flourished, well only when Maximilian was walking with his girlfriend Melody, because when the cat was present in the house he did not miss an opportunity to bother them, making things difficult for the Slav, the cat. He jumped on the couch when the skinny guy tried to kiss Marta or get more romantic. Woj knew from the first moment that his neighbor's girlfriend's cat would be a problem in their relationship. Marta adored Maximilian. So that night when the Slav returned to his apartment, he searched in his closet, inside an old trunk closed with several padlocks that he rarely opened since he had brought it from his motherland, inside was the solution to his problem, he extracted a old book that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family of street artists, Woj spent the entire night sewing, cutting and gluing scraps, following the book's instructions step by step, it would be a cruel way to end his problem, but he had to get rid of the cat.

The next day Woj was watching through the peephole in his apartment, waiting for Maximilian to go out for his afternoon walk with his girlfriend Melody, when he saw the cat coming down the stairs, he took the doll he had made and walked to the door. His neighbor girlfriend knocked on the door, Marta allowed him to come in, after the greeting and some corresponding kisses, Marta was amazed by the great detail that her boyfriend Woj had brought for her cat Maximilian, she was sure she was going to love it!! !, taking advantage of the opportunity, Woj invited her to the cinema and they left the doll on the sofa so that Maximilian could find it when he returned. A couple of hours later, when Maximilian returned, he found the puppet imitation of a shark on the sofa, his human Marta was nowhere to be found, the cat sniffed the stuffed animal, the smell of the Slav is impregnated in it, the clever cat knew then where such an abomination came from.
After a good round of boxing where Maximilian took pleasure in savagely beating the stuffed shark, the cat, feeling triumphant, threw it to the floor and then lay down on the sofa with the intention of dozing for a while while he waited for Marta's return, he had very hungry, maybe a couple of cans of tuna or some sardines would be enough, Maximilian stretched his legs making himself comfortable, after a while he ends up falling asleep, -so much, so much, so much!!!-, Maximilian wakes up alerted by his sixth cat sense, something was happening, I could smell it in the air, the doll that I had left lying on the floor after the beating I gave it a while ago, was now back on the sofa!!! -Who did it? Did he go up there? - Maximilian wonders if Marta had not yet returned. The cat watched him for a while, gave him a good jack and sent him back to the ground, lying down again until he fell asleep, - so much, so much, so much, SO MUCH. !!!-, -MeeeooW!!!-, Maximilian meowed as he sensed the movement of the stuffed animal, the cat got up and turned everything over in the same super-coordinated feline movement, the plush shark was behind him opening its jaws voraciously, Maximilian He tries to defend himself by counterattacking with his boxing blows, thinking that he would be easy prey like in their first encounter, but now it was different, the doll had come to life!!!, his blows and scratches did not do the slightest damage, in a ferocious attack And sure enough, the plush shark swallowed Maximilian in a single bite, the poor cat didn't give him time to give one last meow asking for help!!!.



That same night a little later, Woj said goodbye to his neighbor girlfriend at the door with a passionate kiss, Marta came in calling for her cat, but she couldn't find Maximilian anywhere, she got a little worried, he used to go out to have fun but Always returning home at night to eat and sleep, the young lawyer spent a very bad night worrying about her cat.

The next day, Melody the Angora even showed up at her boyfriend's apartment to ask about Maximilian, whom she had not seen since yesterday. Marta could not understand his meows, but she understood that the cat was worried just like her. The two waited together for a a while until Melody retired to her house, a while later, after lunchtime had passed, Maximilian still showed no signs of life, Marta panicked, she called her Slavic boyfriend to help her look for her cat It didn't take Woj 10 minutes to knock on her door, the man, as if he were a fortune teller, was already prepared with a ream of white paper to start printing the "wanted" posters, then he would help Marta place them throughout the building. and the surrounding area, Marta between sobs told him that since she took care of Maximilian 10 years ago they had never spent a night apart, she sensed that something serious had happened to her cat, Woj gave her encouragement and support telling her that they would soon fester, while poor Maximilian was captive, still alive, trapped in the belly of doll the puppeteer.


Ningún gato sufrio daño alguno para la realizacion de este relato / No cats were harmed in the making of this story.

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Thansk for support

  ·  last year  ·  

Wow si que da miedo esta historia jejeje. Pudieras continuarla, dejaste un final abierto que perfectamente da pie a tu Big verso. Me encantaría que Maximiliano regresara a cobrar venganza.

Un abrazote mi Gran Amigo.