Aventura en el Amazonas [2] (BigVERSO)

in beblurt •  4 months ago 

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Aventura en el Amazonas: Un trato con el Diablo

Colt Jones se quedo sentado en su mesa observando como Lord Quish, Maxwell y el resto de sus guadaespaldas abandonaban el bar de mala muerte, en ese momento llego la bella Renata un poco tarde con la botella de escoses, la destadpo y comenzo a beber, la hermosa morena se quedo un rato con el y se tomo un par de tragos pero luego se despidio para ir a ver a Matias!!!, Colt hacia tiempo mientras organizaba sus ideas, ¿ que Diablos estaba buscando el ingles ?, no lo iban a contratar por 50,000 libras solo para salir a dar un paseo por el rio amazonas eso era seguro, un rato después cuando el taimado de Colt se termino la botella salio del bar, necesitaba respuestas y solo habia un lugar donde podía hallarlas.

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Colt Camino por las animadas calles del barrio pese a la hora, la gente pobre se divertia con poco y por nada, una vez salio del barrio se dirigio a la zona de comerciantes era tarde y sabia que hallaria la tienda de empeño cerrada, pero el viejo Cristobal era un zorro viejo de Manaos, hace años recorrio los mismos rios y recodos de los afluentes del amazonas que ahora Jones recorria en busca de tesoros y aventuras, hasta que se retiro sin una pierna y un ojo, puso una tienda de empeño donde compraba barato y vendía caro, lo mas caro era la informacion!!!, Colt llego directamente por la puerta trasera -tock, tock, tock!!!-, toco fuerte y sin pausa hasta que la luz adentro se encendio y le contesto el viejo Cristobal!!!.

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-¿Quien demonios me molesta a estas horas ?, venga mañana si no trae algo bueno para vender, o oro para comprar!!!-, grita el viejo desde adentro en tono amenazante.

-Viejo Cristobal, soy yo Colt!!!, abre la puta puerta!!!-, Colt pudo escuchar como el viejo Cristobal comenzaba el proceso de quitar los cerrojos de la puerta pero tambien oyó cuando monto su vieja escopeta de doble cañon recortada, cuando abrio la puerta ya le estaba apuntando a la cabeza!!!.

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-¿Que demonios quieres aquí Colt?.

-Carajos viejo Cristobal, baja esa arma hasta parece que no somos amigos!!!.

-Te recuerdo que no lo somos, ¿ dime que quieres o marchate ?-, Colt Jones metio la mano en uno de sus bolsillos y saco parte del dinero que habia ganado esa noche apostando seguro a su victoria sobre el gigante Matias!!!, mostrandoselos al viejo Cristobal.

-Información sobre un ingles llamado Lord Quish!!!-, al viejo Cristobal le brillaron los ojos, bajo el arma, tomo el dinero y le permitio pasar por la puerta a Colt conduciendolo hasta su tienda.

-¿Cuando lo conociste, te contrato acaso?-, pregunta el viejo Cristobal mostrando mucho interes.

-Si me contrato esta noche, ¿ sabes lo que busca ?.

-Debe ser algo muy valioso, un gran tesoro sin duda, pero sere sincero contigo estoy a oscuras!!!, llego con un gran barco de vapor de ruedas el mas grande que se halla visto en estas aguas, todos sus hombres vienen con el desde el principio así que no he podido infiltrar a nadie en su tripulación.

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-Carajos viejo estafador, entonces devuelveme mi dinero!!!.

-Calmate Colt ¿ no somos amigos acaso ?, jajajaja!!!.

-Viejo Zorro.

-Solo se que contrato a los mejores rastreadores de la región a los gemelos Tiago y Berto!!!-, Colt arrugo la cara, eran tipos peligrosos, taimados, pero sabian muy bien hacer su trabajo, ademas de ser buenos rastreadores conocian los idiomas de todas las tribus de la región, tanto las pacificas como las de canibales!!!, el ingles Lord Quish sin duda iba a por todas!!!.

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-Así que también contrato a los gemelos!!!.

-Si Colt y si tambien te contrato a ti seguro esta detras de un gran premio, debe haber traido algun mapa o a alguien con el conocimiento de leer las inscripciones en las piedras!!!.

-Bueno viejo solo confirmas mis sospechas, tambien llegue a esa conclusion en el bar cuando acordamos el pago por mis servicios.

-¿Cuanto te esta pagando ?.

-Mmmm, 20,000 libras!!!-, Colt no le iba a decir toda la verdad al viejo Cristobal.

-Jajaja, te dejaste robar, averigue que contrato a los gemelos por 75,000 libras, ese ingles va por algo muy grande!!!, si esta reclutando a los mejores de la zona, ¿ cuando zarpan ?.

-Mañana a primera hora segun me informaron.

-Entonces todavía estamos a tiempo de hacer un trato Colt!!!.

-¿Cual trato?.

-Se que eres una rata de alcantarilla, pero no conoces mucho mas del mundo lejos de las riviera del rio amazonas!!!-, Colt sabia que le viejo tenia razón.

-¿Que propones viejo?.

-Que te robes el tesoro y compartamos las ganacias, 50-50!!!.

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-¿50-50?, estas loco anciano!!!, 75-25 seria lo justo, yo soy el que esta corriendo todo el riesgo!!!.

-Si pero sin mi no vas a obtener mas que una pequeña fraccion de su valor, dependiendo de lo que sea el tesoro que busca el ingles, si son varias piezas o una sola de buen tamaño, valdria una fortuna!!!-, a Colt le brillaron los ojos!!!..

-¿Cuanto seria esa fortuna viejo?.

-1 millon de libras quizas 2!!!, eso si logras venderlo aqui en Manaos, tu otra opcion es arriesgarte solo hasta Río de Janeiro o Sao Paulo, alli te pueden dar el doble si tienes suerte de que no te vuelen la cabeza para quitartelo.

-¿Y tu no me volarias la cabeza?.

-Por eso vas a pagarme la mitad, 50-50, tengo contactos Colt, amigos poderosos, ese tesoro en Europa pueda valer 5 o 6 millones si se lo vendemos a algun museo importante en Inglaterra o Francia, pero si encontramos a un coleccionista privado interesado podria pagar quizas hasta 10 millones!!!.

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-Mmmm, todo depende de que Diablos este buscando el maldito ingles.

-Exacto!!!, cuando averigues cual es el secreto del ingles, entonces podrás medir si vale la pena arriesgar la vida por el!!!, o quedarte conforme con tus 20,000 libras!!!.

-Tenemos un trato viejo Cristobal!!!.

El viejo y el joven timador se estrecharon las manos para sellar su trato provisional, Colt le insistio a su nuevo socio que le regresara su dinero pero el viejo Cristobal le respondio que ni en sueños!!!. Luego lo acompaño hasta la puerta trasera para despedirlo.

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-Colt cuando lo tengas no vengas a la tienda directamente, enviame un mensaje y yo te buscare para sacarte de Manaos.

-Seguro viejo Cristobal!!!.

Colt salio de alli rumbo al tugurio donde dormia a recoger sus cosas y prepararse para el viaje, no tendría mucho tiempo para descansar, faltaba poco para el amanecer. Mientras tanto en su tienda de empeños el viejo Cristobal reía a carcajadas sirviendose un trago de ron, acababa de doblar sus chances de quedarse con el tesoro ofreciendole el mismo trato a Colt que a los gemelos Tiago y Berto, esta era tal vez su última oportunidad de salir de aquella maldita selva que le habia robado mas de media vida, una pierna y un ojo con el gran tesoro que siempre habia buscado sin encontrarlo, las vidas de los gemelos y Colt sería un precio mas que razonable a pagar por su retiro dorado en Europa!!!. Colt no habia iniciado su aventura y ya estaba en problemas!!!, pero no se preocupen por el, no confia ni en su sombra!!!, mucho menos en un trato con el viejo taimado de Cristobal, Colt Jones sabia muy bien como estafar a un timador, se comentaba por los bares y calles de Manos que una vez habia engañado jugando a los dados al mismisimo Diablo y salido con vida para contarlo!!!.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

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Adventure in the Amazon: A Deal with the Devil

Colt Jones sat at his table watching as Lord Quish, Maxwell and the rest of his bodyguards left the seedy bar, at that moment the beautiful Renata arrived a little late with the bottle of scotch, she unwrapped it and started drinking. The beautiful brunette stayed with him for a while and had a couple of drinks but then she said goodbye to go see Matias!!! Colt was spending some time organizing his ideas, what the hell was he looking for Englishmen? They weren't going. to hire for 50,000 pounds just to go for a walk along the Amazon River that was for sure, a while later when the devious Colt finished the bottle he left the bar, he needed answers and there was only one place where he could find them.

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Colt walked through the lively streets of the neighborhood, despite the hour, the poor people had fun with little and for nothing. Once he left the neighborhood, he headed to the merchants' area. It was late and he knew that he would find the pawn shop closed, but old Cristobal He was an old fox from Manaus, years ago he traveled the same rivers and bends of the tributaries of the Amazon that Jones now traveled in search of treasures and adventures, until he retired without a leg and an eye, he opened a pawn shop where he bought cheap and he sold at a high price, the most expensive thing was the information!!!, Colt came directly through the back door -knock, knock, knock!!!-, he knocked loudly and without pause until the light inside turned on and old Cristobal answered him !!!.

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-Who the hell is bothering me at this hour? Come tomorrow if you don't bring something good to sell, or gold to buy!!!-, the old man shouts from inside in a threatening tone.

-Old Cristobal, it's me Colt!!!, open the fucking door!!!-, Colt could hear how old Cristobal began the process of removing the bolts from the door but he also heard when he mounted his old sawed-off double barrel shotgun, When he opened the door it was already pointing at his head!!!.

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-What the hell do you want here Colt?

-Damn old Cristobal, put that gun down until it seems like we're not friends!!!

-I remind you that we are not, tell me what you want or leave? - Colt Jones put his hand in one of his pockets and took out part of the money he had won that night betting safely on his victory over the giant Matias!!! showing them to old Cristobal.

-Information about an Englishman called Lord Quish!!!-, old Cristobal's eyes shone, he lowered the gun, took the money and allowed Colt to pass through the door, leading him to his store.

-When you met him, did he hire you?-, asks old Cristobal, showing great interest.

-If he hires me tonight, do you know what he's looking for?

-It must be something very valuable, a great treasure without a doubt, but I will be honest with you, I am in the dark!!!, he arrived with a large wheeled steamboat, the largest that has been seen in these waters, all his men come with him. from the beginning so I haven't been able to infiltrate anyone into his crew.

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-Damn you old scammer, then give me my money back!!!

-Calm down Colt, aren't we friends? Hahaha!!!

-Old fox.

-I only know that I hired the best trackers in the region, the twins Tiago and Berto!!!- Colt wrinkled his face, they were dangerous, devious guys, but they knew how to do their job very well, in addition to being good trackers, they knew the languages. Of all the tribes in the region, both the peaceful ones and the cannibal ones!!!, the English Lord Quish was undoubtedly going for everything!!!.

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-So I also hire the twins!!!.

-If Colt and if he also hired you, he is surely after a great prize, he must have brought a map or someone with the knowledge of reading the inscriptions on the stones!!!

-Well, old man, you just confirm my suspicions. I also came to that conclusion at the bar when we agreed to pay for my services.

-How much is he paying you?

-Mmmm, 20,000 pounds!!!-, Colt was not going to tell old Cristobal the whole truth.

-Hahaha, you let yourself be robbed, I found out that he hired the twins for 75,000 pounds, that Englishman is up to something very big!!!, if he is recruiting the best in the area, when do they set sail?

-First thing tomorrow morning, according to what they informed me.

-Then we still have time to make a deal Colt!!!

-What deal?

-I know you're a sewer rat, but you don't know much more about the world away from the banks of the Amazon River!!!-, Colt knew that the old man was right.

-What do you propose old man?

-Let's steal the treasure and share the profits, 50-50!!!.

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-50-50? You're crazy old man!!!, 75-25 would be fair, I'm the one taking all the risk!!!

-Yes, but without me you will not get more than a small fraction of its value, depending on what the treasure the Englishman is looking for, whether it is several pieces or a single good-sized one, it would be worth a fortune!!!-, Colt's eyes shone!!!..

-How much would that fortune be, old man?

-1 million pounds maybe 2!!!, that is if you manage to sell it here in Manaus, your other option is to risk only as far as Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, there they can give you double if you are lucky that they don't blow your head off to take it off.

-And you wouldn't blow it up me head?.

-That's why you're going to pay me half, 50-50, I have contacts Colt, powerful friends, that treasure in Europe could be worth 5 or 6 million if we sell it to an important museum in England or France, but if we find a private collector Interested party could pay perhaps up to 10 million!!!.

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-Mmmm, it all depends on who the hell is looking for damn English.

-Exactly!!!, when you find out what the secret of English is, then you will be able to measure if it is worth risking your life for it!!!, or staying satisfied with your 20,000 pounds!!!.

-We have an deal old Cristobal!!!

The old man and the young conman shook hands to seal their provisional deal. Colt insisted that his new partner return his money, but old Cristobal replied that he couldn't even dream of it!!! Then I walk him to the back door to say goodbye.

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-Colt, when you have it, do not come to the store directly, send me a message and I will look for you to get you out of Manaus.

-Sure old Cristobal!!!.

Colt left there heading to the slum where he slept to gather his things and prepare for the trip, he wouldn't have much time to rest, it was almost dawn. Meanwhile in his pawn shop, old Cristobal was laughing out loud, pouring himself a drink of rum, he had just doubled his chances of keeping the treasure by offering the same deal to Colt as to the twins Tiago and Berto, this was perhaps his last chance. to get out of that damn jungle that had stolen more than half his life, a leg and an eye with the great treasure that he had always looked for without finding it, the lives of the twins and Colt would be a more than reasonable price to pay for his golden retirement. in Europe!!!. Colt had not started his adventure and was already in trouble!!!, but don't worry about him, he doesn't even trust his shadow!!!, much less in a deal with the devious old Cristobal, Colt Jones knew very well how scamming a con man, it was said in the bars and streets of Manos that he had once deceived the Devil himself playing dice and came out alive to tell the tale!!!.

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To be continue...

Capitulo Anterior:

Escrito originalmente en español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

Todas las imágenes de esta publicación son propias, fueron generadas usando las versiones gratuitas de las paginas de IA: Leonardo.ai, Picfinder.ai y Tensor.art

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