Don't want to suffer? Then go to four countries

in beautiful •  last year 

Yes Blurt friends the population of all these countries has decreased due to various reasons. And so the population must increase. So they are giving many attractive offers to increase the number of citizens of their country. If you stay in that country, the government will give you money, house and car. Then you can know about the countries.

Money is needed to live comfortably. And money will come in return for hard work. Many people dream of house, car, bank balance by earning huge amount of money with little effort. But it is often seen that despite a lot of hard work, the earnings are very little. It is far from fulfilling dreams, sometimes even daily needs cannot be fulfilled. But if it happens that the effort is very less, but instead you are getting house, car, luxury life all effortlessly. So? Then there is nothing to say. But how is this possible? Several countries offer great deals in exchange for their citizenship. If you stay in that country, the government will give you money, house and car. Then you can know about the countries. The population of those countries has decreased due to various reasons. Population must increase. Therefore, they are giving many attractive offers to increase the number of citizens of their country.

Vermont, USA
Vermont is a mountain state in America. The scenery here is so beautiful that tourists often yearn to settle down while visiting it. The state is famous for producing cheddar cheese and the popular Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Vermont is very popular with tourists because of its natural beauty. But this beautiful place has a population of only 6,20,000. This is why the government is giving about 7.4 lakh rupees for two years to remote worker grant program applicants in this location. Vermont pays people $8,20,725 if they live and work in the state.

Stay Amidst Alaska's Beautiful Mountains
If one is looking for snow, winter to escape the scorching heat or prefers the comfortable life of winter, then he can start living in Alaska. The cool fresh air here will win you over. And even better, the state is paying people to live here permanently. Alaska's population has declined significantly. So the government of Alaska pays residents income from mining natural resources. Here each person is paid about one and a half lakh rupees per year, on the condition that he has to stay there for at least one year.

That town in Switzerland
The Swiss city of Albinon is also paying people to increase their population. The government here gives Rs 20 lakh to persons below 45 years of age and Rs 8 lakh to children. And the condition is to live there for at least 10 years. Currently the population of this city is only 240 people.

City of Ponga in Spain
The town of Ponga in Spain is nothing less than a paradise for newly married couples. If you go here, the government there is ready to pay you two lakh 68 thousand rupees. Ponga is a very beautiful and scenic town. There are also many beautiful places to stay here. If one has children, the government will pay him separately. Till now the population here is about 851 people.


I you good luck and good health. Thanks 🙏 everyone @stmp04.

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