chapter is Bangladesh and regional cooperation Lesson-2

in bangladesh •  3 years ago 

In modern times no state can meet their needs alone. This necessity has given rise to the idea of regional and international cooperation. Has formed various cooperation organizations. One of them is the United Nations. The **United Nations **was formed with the aim of establishing peace in the world. Almost all the countries of the world are members of the United Nations. Bangladesh became a member of the United Nations in 1974. Moreover, there are various regional cooperation organizations. Such as SAARC, ASEAN, EU etc. These organizations work together on issues of mutual interest to their member states. In fifth grade, we learned about the various branches of the United Nations, the United Nations Development Program, and SAARC. In the lessons of this chapter we will learn about different regional cooperation organisation’s.

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The importance of regional cooperation and its field The states of the modern world are interdependent. Different states have different problems and needs. It is not possible for a state to meet all its needs alone. But if all these needs and problems are not solved then the welfare and development of the people of any state is not possible. Many problems can be solved easily if the neighboring countries cooperate with each other. So the states in the same region cooperate with each other. As a result, various types of regional cooperation organizations were formed. They work together to remove economic, political and trade barriers in the region. As a result, development of all parties is achieved.

  • Areas of regional cooperation:
    There are many areas of regional cooperation. Fields are growing more and more over time. However, notable areas of the present time are: industry and trade, security, energy, information technology, agriculture, tourism, sports, drug and smuggling prevention, transportation and communication, human resource development and exchange, culture, health and medicine, climate and environment development, etc.


SAARC has been formed by the countries of South Asia including Bangladesh. The full name of the organization is South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Bengali - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. SAARC was formed in December 1975 on the initiative of Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh, other SAARC member countries are India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan and Afghanistan. In addition, Myanmar is currently associated with the organization as an observer. Although the main goal of the organization is economic cooperation, its scope of work extends to all areas of development including society, education, culture, communication, technology. SAARC is headquartered in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

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European Union (EU):

The Common Market was first established by the countries of Western Europe for the purpose of cooperation. Then came the coverage of the European Union (EU). Almost all the countries of Europe are its members. The EU has also introduced its own currency, the euro. In all European countries, the euro runs alongside their native currency. Today, citizens of member countries can travel, live, trade and move freely from one country to another. The European Union is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

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In addition to the EU, there are more such regional cooperation organizations in the world. For example, the G-7 alliance of the top seven industrialized countries. The seven-member body includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Italy. These groups do not just cooperate with each other. They also discuss cooperation with least developed countries like ours. The G-7 also discusses important global issues such as the environment, climate change, and their role in building a world free from the curse of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and ill health.
African countries have formed the Organization of African Unity (OAU); Arab League, an organization of Arab countries; Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Bangladesh became a member of OIC in 1974. The Commonwealth is made up of countries that have gained independence from the British colony; Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has been formed with countries that are not members of any military alliance. Bangladesh is non-aligned An important member of the movement.
Besides, bilateral cooperation agreements were signed between the two countries for mutual cooperation. At present, such agreements are on the rise. Because this bilateral cooperation agreement is the most effective in terms of cooperation.

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