Some rays of Hope

in awakening •  2 years ago 

The last few days events around the world on the mass protest does give us some hope that still all is not lost. The Truck Drivers rally in Canada has been one commendable thing that has happened in the last few days. I have full respect for all those people who have been a part of this protest and raised up their voices so loud against the tyranny.
After Canada, many other Countries are now getting courage to do similar types of protest against all the insane measures that are being taken in the name of Covid.

While all these measures apply for the common people, the so called elites and the governments are having a gala time not following any single protocol that they themselves have laid out for others. Oh yes, as per them the virus is only for the common people.

Now 2 years into it and still the craziness is going on, it's high time people need to understand that this is much more then the virus and that our freedom is at real threat. Just by blindly following what the media propagates is like you giving away your complete power to them and allowing them to rule our lives with our own consent.


Belgian, Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Italy, France, all over Europe there are these kind of protest in mass that are happening now. Those who have not been paying much of heed to these type of protest earlier have now started taking them seriously, after all this is a big threat to the big pharma booming vaccine business.

Giving mandates on one's personal body is violating the fundamental rights that nature has given to us and all this propaganda of you take vaccine and wear mask to save other people's lives is more of a story line to turn people against each other. We have all seen in the last 2 years that after 3 shots of vaccines and wearing double triple mask also people have got infected. In short it is one's sole responsibility to take care of their own health and not blame other people for their own careless lifestyle. After taking 3 and 4 doses of vaccines and after wearing 2 to 3 mask if you still feel afraid then somewhere deep within, you know that you have not taken good care of your own health and that's what is leading to excess fear, or that you are completely brainwashed by the mainstream media. People have now started putting up their flu stories also dramatically, which 2 years back they would take a Panadol and rest up and enjoy the break from work.

No disregards that yes many have genuinely suffered in this Covid but at the same time, this has been blown out of proportion and it cannot be justified to bring one law of vaccine for the world and deny people on their basic rights based on vaccination status, or destroy economies and make millions of people jobless.

Things will change, what goes up has to come down and so does this dirty power and money game will come down some day crumbling down and leaving all of these controllers flat face on the ground.
I love this awakening that is happening world wide and more power to everyone.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Where we are more greedy. Some people suddenly became rich because of the Covid Vaccine trade but no one dared to take action. All in the power of an authoritarian government.

True, if we want we can throw out these governments, we have the power, but we underestimate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We have to be united as a society, don't let a brutal government control us. The real power is society.