My new open source development for FlightGear: BushKitty (Bush Plane) (with updates)

in aviation •  5 years ago  (edited)


FlightGear ( is an open source flight simulator that is even used in flight schools to train basic maneuvers, radio communication and navigation tasks. It is available for windows, mac and linux. I am developing since 3 years different aircraft , hot air balloons and vehicles.

In this article I want to introduce my development of the BushKitty, a Bush plane based on the Cessna 172.



Full instrumentation, all animations in multiplayer mode and real flight characteristics. A full animated STOL (short takeoff and landing) aircraft for landing and starting on every surface with extreme short distances. First of its kind in FlighGear with real flight dynamics.


Development steps

  • 1:1 Model of the c172p modified in Blender: new 36' Wheels, new tail wheel, front wheels moved more to the front, new yellow livery based on the Kitfox model.

  • I impoved this aircraft from the official version of a Cessna 172 to a new variant. The realistic FDM was a long difficult way of try and error. My help was the video series from Jonas Marcinko on Youtube link. Here I got the idea of the flight performance and tried to get my aircraft to the same values.
    This work was done in XML text files. The most flight dynamics are done in the file: c172p.xml. Here is an example of the new function of lifting the tail: It looks if the wheels are on ground (wow=true) and makes a product with the thrust. This number is the thrust number if both wheels are on ground. The second part then lifts the tail to -60 from the normal postion of -47.64.


<channel name="Tail Gear Position">
            <fcs_function name="gear/unit/z-impulse">

            <fcs_function name="z-position-tail-gear">
                        <independentVar lookup="row">gear/unit/z-impulse</independentVar>
                            0   -47.64
                            300 -47.64
                            500 -60
                            600 -60
  • Adding ground effects for different surfaces: snow, sand and grass.


  • Adding a female passenger (Sonja).
  • Removing all errors in the log file so that this version fits my standards.
  • Adjusting the lights for taxi and landing in the special light system of Rembrandt.


  • Animation of the tail wheel added.
  • Renaming all references to the new name.
  • Test live stream 1 hour link
  • Setting up a new repository on github.


In a test flight 2 days ago with three pilots we found one error and I could fix it in no time :)

<sim include="c172p-views.xml">
        <description>BushKitty (180 hp) 36" Bush Tires</description>

If the line with the variant ... is there then the aircraft is not listed in the launcher. Quite tricky to find such things if you are not fully involved into developing.


After testing and feedback implementing more functions in the multiplayer system.

Whats next?

A live stream on twitch with real passengers, are you interested? I will collect you at your garden :) Tell me your best time in GMT.


How to contribute?

Pull request to my github repository or direct contact via Mumble FlightGear Chat.

Link to the repository and Initial upload:

Proof of work

In the you see my different names in github, steemit and FlightGear.


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        

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