There is only the Rights of the individual.

in authorityisamyth •  10 hours ago 

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There is no such thing is "collective rights"

Yes you read that correctly. There is absolutely no right any collective can have that trumps over the rights of an individual, BECAUSE that collective only has the same rights that the individual has. That is also to say also that collective which is comprised of individuals would not be existing if not for those individuals acting collectively.

The rights that go on and on about always stems from the individual. The individual does have the right to cause harm to other SO BE IT ONLY of that individual he is yo cause harm to is first and foremost about to cause harm to others or any other individual. Such as those who are acting in self defense for him or her self or even for other individuals, be it their neighbors, their family etc..

Only then would it be rational morale to cause harm to another. Otherwise, we as individuals do not have the right to cause harm to others or their property without the above mentioned reasons. We certainly also do not have the right to enslave others. Likewise we as individuals don't have the moral and ethical right to force people into rule. And most certainly not even as a collective. Why? I already explained why in the first two paragraphs why.

Even if individuals gathered together to delegate a right they DO have to someone else, it would be anything extra that a right that anyone else already had. But to delegate a right they don't have as individuals to a CORPUS Organ|i|zation Ie a corp|oration or to the "state", etc., such as the right to rule by force, then that delegation was void from the beginning.

Anything that resembles doing the ritual to enable that belief and carrying out under the idea that they somehow "did it" or "made it so" by "legislation" to rule over others, because they got that right from other individuals, is acting in lies, they are being deceitful and plain out evil.

Chapter 2 of "The Market For Liberty" by Morris and Linds Tannehill:


It reads:

Morally, each man owns himself, and he has the rights to do anything which does not violate another man's rights to self ownership.

Another saying of the same is said, that our individual rights only go as far as they next one starts. Meaning that one has the right do what he or she wants in this world so long as he or she does so without coerced means of another individuals. Which is what the "government" already does and is based on from its foundation.

They rule by force. It's all they do at their roots. Rule by force of the masses by other masses of confused delinquent man childs that believe that have that right to do so. No matter if one entire collective force has more individuals saying they do, as individuals that comprise the whole, they do not. Therefore the whole lot of them together ruling by force is a force that which is illegitimate and evil.

Yes, believe it or not, forcing other to do what you want is evil. When did you lose your morality and ethical compass?

Unfortunately the main issues I see for this to be happening is that somewhere along the way, man threw away by choice his greatest asset in being human. To think.

Most people already hate working hard and the hardest thing to do in the universe for man to do is to think for themselves.

Statists will stay a children in adults bodies, wanting mommy and daddy (government) to do the thinking for them. Grow up. Read a book, clean your head and lose your cult.


Have you had your rights violated? Well don't worry because the justice system is there to make it worse.

Protect yourself instead

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