Unshackled minds - Australia special

in australia •  3 years ago  (edited)


The real Rukshan they call him.

I watched the crowds grow outside Australia's parliament late last night. The one named Real Rukshan was videoing the events.
I have watched this gents live-feed quite a few times over the last few years, one thing I do note about his live-feeds and interactions with people is they really do like this man.
Everywhere he goes people want a photo with him, people smile with him, people show him love.

I digress.

Back on topic.

As I watched this protest last night it struck me the amount of love and respect there was in the crowd.
Unlike all other protests I have seen over the last 2 years, this one was well organised. They had agreed before hand not to breach barriers outside parliament, it was peaceful, everyone gave 3 strangers a hug, the police received 3 cheers. And captain Dan I think he was called (airplane pilot) kept the crowd calm, respectful and dignified.

The captain also invited a journalist along for an interview, again he told the crowd and asked them to respect the journalist. He also used a politician to issue demands to politicians, again he asked the crowd to respect him.

This is in stark contrast to people walking like headless chickens around London and any other city, aimlessly carrying placards and banners seemingly for the fun of it.
If you want to do a protest, you need an aim, an end game, this protest unlike all others had it all. Aims, demands, communication channels.
You get nowhere fast walking around London, even if there is a million people in the protest, without an end game. As has happened in London, without an aim people are destined to repeat and do it over and over again, with no result. And that applies to anywhere else.

He did say one way or another himself and a few others were getting invited into parliament. I have no idea if that happened as I fell to sleep at some point around 2AM my time so did not get to see it to the end.

Keeping it calm makes it impossible for undercover government agents to turn a protest violent, agent provocateurs and all.
It was stated that the crowd did have police, military and other government employees or ex employees in the crowd.

I hope you watch the events below and find more sources to this event as it unfolds, way to go Australia, love from Poland.

There is a real feel good to this event, got to ride the high and not wallow in the low.

I have scoured the internet for any MSM news on this event and as usual the silence is deafening, the real Rukshan and the likes of are the new media.
I could see crowds of people for as far as the eye could see, but the MSM deems it not newsworthy, how low can they go???

Catch you in the P.M. peace and love to all.

Catch you in the PM with more news from Aus after I have talked to some Aussies.

The full video is at the footer for anyone that wants to feel part of this historic event.


Extended highlights https://www.facebook.com/watch/live?ref=watch_permalink&v=441988674276808

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That would be Graham Hood otherwise known as Hoody the retired pilot. My nephew went to Canberra yesterday to join in.
A link for you.


Going to be interesting watching how this goes in Canberra Australia.

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers for the link. Great to see so much unity there and a smart group of leaders who know how to get things done without violence. I refer to the protestors, not crime ministers.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The demonstrations should be that way... When they did the one here in Venezuela, there were always deaths, fights... Many lives have been lost fighting against this government