Why Your Attitude Will Determine Your Attitude

in attitude •  4 years ago 

There are reasons why your attitude will determine your attitude. The reason is this, any time a person gives you an answer that you don't like they are giving you a reason. A reason is something negative that causes you to do one thing over another. When we have reasons for doing something bad, we give ourselves excuses to do or not do something. I hope you understand what I am saying here.


You have given yourself so many reasons to act the way you do and give yourself excuses to not act the way you really want to. Now you must find out what those reasons are. The only way to do this is to stop them.

I know you are thinking "how am I supposed to do that" you have a million reasons to do that. You are giving yourself excuses and that is not good. I mean look at all those things you are doing right now. You are bettering your life and you are living in a better place than you were before. So why wouldn't you want to continue moving up in life?

I know you think that is a silly question but hear me out on this, if you find out what your reasons are then you can find a way to work those reasons to your benefit. You can change your attitude to more positive and that is a huge reason as to why your attitude will determine your attitude. You will become happier and healthier because of it.
If you find out what the reasons are that you keep putting yourself down then you have a big decision to make. You can change your attitude to a more positive and healthy one. But you have to figure out what those reasons are first. Here are some reasons as to why your attitude will determine your attitude.

Your parents are the main reason that you are what you are today. If your parents could do something to help you out when you were young then they would have done so. Now you are an adult and you have your own problems to deal with without the help of your parents.

Another reason as to why your attitude will determine your attitude is your beliefs. If you believe that you are worthless or that you are dumb then you have those beliefs about yourself. If you change those beliefs to the truth that you are actually quite valuable and important then you will see a different perspective. You also have to realize that you do not control other people's beliefs. You control your own beliefs.

A third reason as to why your attitude will determine your attitude is the way you feel about yourself. If you feel that you are worthless or stupid then your attitude will be the same. You will not only be negative but you will not take any opportunity that comes your way. This will not just make you worthless or even less successful than someone else who is better at life but has a positive attitude. On the other hand if you feel that you are unique and special and have a lot to offer the world then you will take the time and energy needed to become successful.

A fourth reason as to why your attitude will determine your attitude is because your beliefs are what will dictate your behavior. If you are a person that always feels like you are at least good enough for anything then you will not be a person that gets the job done. When you set goals for yourself then you will want to follow through with them. If you don't feel that you can then chances are you won't either.

Here are a few more of the reasons that you may have not considered before. Some people really love helping people. They like seeing the look on the faces of the people that they help. They also like being around new things and being around success. These things often give these people a positive attitude that they can carry with them throughout their entire life. Other people get such pleasure from being successful in whatever they are doing that it becomes a motivation for them to help others become successful as well.

Here is the final reason why your attitude will determine your attitude. If you are not happy in your current situation you will want to change it. This sometimes requires taking some steps that you are not used to making. You might have to move to another apartment or take a different job. The bottom line is that if you have been finding yourself unhappy in your current circumstances that you are going to want to find out what you can do about it and change it.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Attitute is a so powerful tool. Nice