in astrology •  2 years ago 

Chinese Horoscope 2023 of the Rat Years of birth of the Rats.


Qualities: Imaginative, sincere, helpful and energetic
Defaults: Individualistic, impulsive, proud and distrustful
Life Goal: Suspicious of the world, you are advised to develop your confidence


The Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac.
The main quality of the Rat is his imaginative spirit.
It is a sign attracted spontaneously by the fantastic, the everyday bores it quickly.
His sign is dominated by Yang. People born under the sign of the Rat know how to manage a budget, their natural charm seduces very quickly in business. With his entourage he knows how to be gentle and attentive. He likes to communicate with others, he knows how to put people at ease. The Rat has a lively mind, he likes to learn and will always have the desire to know more. curious nature, nothing can completely give him enough , he will be in perpetual motion .

The Rat must be careful in his approach to life during the year of the Rabbit and must keep his plans to himself. He can achieve his goals with sound advice, but he must avoid conflict.
2023 is also conducive to expanding your social contacts, which will be beneficial for carrying out new businesses, improving your professional prospects or social status



Horóscopo Chino 2023 de la Rata Años de nacimiento de las Ratas.

Cualidades: Imaginativo, sincero, servicial y enérgico.
Valores predeterminados: Individualista, impulsivo, orgulloso y desconfiado
Objetivo de vida: Sospechoso del mundo, se le aconseja que desarrolle su confianza.


La Rata es el primer signo del zodíaco chino.
La principal cualidad de la Rata es su espíritu imaginativo.
Es un signo atraído espontáneamente por lo fantástico, lo cotidiano lo aburre rápidamente.
Su signo está dominado por Yang. Las personas nacidas bajo el signo de la Rata saben manejar un presupuesto, su encanto natural seduce muy rápido en los negocios. Con su entorno sabe ser amable y atento. Le gusta comunicarse con los demás, sabe cómo hacer que la gente se sienta cómoda. La Rata tiene una mente viva, le gusta aprender y siempre tendrá el deseo de saber más. naturaleza curiosa, nada puede darle completamente suficiente, estará en perpetuo movimiento.
La Rata debe tener cuidado en su enfoque de la vida durante el año del Conejo y debe guardarse sus planes para sí mismo. Puede lograr sus objetivos con buenos consejos, pero debe evitar los conflictos.
2023 también es propicio para ampliar tus contactos sociales, lo que será beneficioso para realizar nuevos negocios, mejorar tus perspectivas profesionales o tu estatus social.


Have a beautiful year 🌹

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ho' my ! ,.. thats why i like this song so much . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I LOVE IT TOO ! But i am not a rat 😛

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol,.. rooster ,. 1969 ,.. so no , me ain't no rat either .
Still ,. it is a rat race . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A rooster is so cool

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like those zodiacs posts (I always forget which sign I am until I see the calendar 😅)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In chinese ? I am a professional astrologer in different types of astrology