in astrology •  9 months ago 

Good morning,



It's a pretty terrifying full moon in Cancer.
It replaces the shifted, non-concordant energies,
In an atmosphere of fatigue, weariness, fed up.
And what are we going to do to look these mental, physical and emotional insults straight in the eye? We're going to look at the family.
Brothers and sisters, parents, grandparents, children, cousins, everything goes. And Pluto will make us feel it physically, Mars and Mercury mentally and emotionally.
Venus will not smile either because she is taken by the cold of winter imposed on her by Saturn.
So yes we will want to put our heads in the sand with Neptune, to avoid clashes, breakages and pain but nothing will do that.
And the shock will be felt at all levels or in just one but if we don't listen it will be more physical, the body will violently absorb our stubbornness in not wanting to change, to transform.
But the pain is there, sneaky, dry, hungry for love and listening.
It cries out to the despair of the family straitjacket, to the uncertainty of the days which pass without bringing any improvement.
An unresolved opprobrium
A crack in a never-caressed vase that would have preferred to serve as a candy box than funeral flowers.
The tears are there in the lie that we can no longer swallow.
The full moon shows the truth and the truth is never easy.
But nothing stops a tsunami.

Mercury retrograde for another 2 to 3 weeks in Sagittarius will help to put
Things in the right order. Not without pain for the most blind among us.
Breathe and take a good look at yourself in the mirror and place those around you there clearly.

Lets say goodbye to our faithfull pains
I wish you a good transformation.



Es una luna llena bastante aterradora en Cáncer.
Reemplaza las energías desplazadas y no concordantes,
En un ambiente de cansancio, de cansancio, de hartazgo.
¿Y qué vamos a hacer para mirar directamente a los ojos estos insultos mentales, físicos y emocionales? Vamos a mirar a la familia.
Hermanos y hermanas, padres, abuelos, hijos, primos, todo vale. Y Plutón nos lo hará sentir físicamente, Marte y Mercurio mental y emocionalmente.
Venus tampoco sonreirá porque se deja llevar por el frío invernal que le impone Saturno.
Así que sí querremos esconder la cabeza en la arena con Neptuno, para evitar choques, roturas y dolores, pero nada podrá lograrlo.
Y el shock se sentirá en todos los niveles o en uno solo pero si no escuchamos será más físico, el cuerpo absorberá violentamente nuestra terquedad de no querer cambiar, transformar.
Pero el dolor está ahí, furtivo, seco, hambriento de amor y escucha.
Clama a la desesperación de la camisa de fuerza familiar, a la incertidumbre de los días que pasan sin traer ninguna mejora.
Un oprobio no resuelto
Una grieta en un jarrón nunca acariciado que hubiera preferido servir de caja de dulces que de flores funerarias.
Las lágrimas están ahí en la mentira que ya no podemos tragar.
La luna llena muestra la verdad y la verdad nunca es fácil.
Pero nada detiene un tsunami.

Mercurio retrógrado durante otras 2 o 3 semanas en Sagitario ayudará a poner
Cosas en el orden correcto. No sin dolor para los más ciegos entre nosotros.
Respira y mírate bien en el espejo y sitúa allí claramente a quienes te rodean.

Digamos adiós a nuestros dolores fieles.
Te deseo una buena transformación.




You want to Learn astrology or have questions about your chart ?
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send me a DM !

Astrology helps us understand ourself and our choices, which is key for wellbeing.
It is my passion to discover new lands such as yours and i have been passionate about it since i am a child

All art by me

Opidia ❤️


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Have no fear ,. stay far from reasons to hide your shame .
Be honest and true ,. to yourself and all others to .
If not , the universal cosmic waves will burn you up .
For not accepting where you really belong .

We are stardust , for ever without an end .


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

OR......run towards the reasons for your shame, and then shout them out loud...and fuck it.

No shame, no fear, no weaknesses to exploit....
(just my opinion)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Perfect ✨💪🏻✨

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

..it's not for everyone though.
Courage seems to be a rare quality, nowadays.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I have read , 80% of people cannot mentally go against orders.
So if you tell them to kill someone and give them the excuses to do it , they will kill without even thinking about it.
For the other 19% you use shame or fears and they ll kill.
Thats a pretty scary world and that shows that people in power are not the only one to be evil.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I have read , 80% of people cannot mentally go against orders.

The old Pareto principle at work. The 80/20 split - across numerous subjects - seems to apply.

Non thinking zombies are not so much evil as, well...non thinking zombies..lol
(but, just like non thinking rottweilers which have rabies, are not evil- what options do you have left ? lol)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Lovely way to see it .
We are stardust indeed ✨

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I have a very difficult time reconciling a 'blurt' and 'love' spinning ball gif, being 'one'...

I can't make it compute....the evidence just isn't there...lol

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Thats only for my people i love in blurt ❤️

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

I am Cancer, the best horoscope in astrology.
Very good information Opidia! ❤️‍🔥

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

All signs are the best when its vacation time :p
My pleasure to bring infos ✨🌺✨

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org