Doodles #1

in art •  3 years ago 


I make so much of these why not start sharing them?


I doodle when I just cannot find the words to say. That feeling one gets when there is no combination of words in existence to express. So we draw.

In drawing we find in our heads the millions of thoughts pouring in. It can be overwhelming sometimes.

Drawing is one of the best positive sex magic transmutation habits you can do. It has no bounderies and there are no rules to follow.

I doodle when I am depressed especially. Gets me right through the negative boundary. About 95% of my art is stemmed from my struggles. I don't want give it a name for each piece I make. I don't want to discribe it either.

I make them, and there you go. Enjoy if you like. Or dont. I really do not care. It is my free will to express my inner turmoils.

I doodle and things come out to play. Dreams are brought forth sometimes. Images of fractal beings plague the mind that I am losing.

It's ok though. Its not the main concern I have nor is this next bit.

I have come to a small discovery on my own that I may be having symptoms of having a possible aneurysm. If that were the case, CAT or CT scans would be a must. Not something I could afford. Nor a normal visit to get these check ups.

Makes sense to me though. Its just one more mildstone to cross of it is at all crossable. I am not sure whether I should go and check it out. I feel better peace at mind to just lay out instructions for my daughters in the future to hand over my small fortunes.

They are taken care of anyways.

My main concern is what I have here in front of me.

Who will take care of all my pets?


I literally have made thousands of these doodles and they end up never finished and burned in the wood stove.

So before I burn them, I will share them.


Something about burning my art and writings makes me feel at peace. A sense of a boulder lifting off my persona.

So I will make one a day from now on and dedicate an hour of my already squandered free time to share these wierd things.

make of it what you will. Express your mind. Talk about anything you like. It is your liberty to do so.









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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyone has a different way of expressing their inner emotions. Painting is one of the best ways from a psychological point of view, just like you do. This is a wonderful way to awaken a positive aura within yourself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Agreed. Sadly in many kids these days not many take up art skills. I say sadly because it helps soothe the suffering one may have. Maybe it has to do with the fear institutionalized into them because in art it requires facing your deep inner self. In other words bravery is missing or is being taken away by living in such suppressing environments.

We change the environment to a more positive one and the results will follow.

Sort of like what Jaque Fresco onced said. If a really fast learner grows up to play the piano he or she will learn that piano faster. Likewise when a child a grown inside a fascist environment, that kid will most likey be a fascist and faster if their brain is wired to learn quickly.

Our brain cannot differentiate from what is good or bad untill certain events have been in play.

We don't know if something is hot until we touch it or observe how something hot hurts another. Same with good vs evil. These both opposite energies have to exist in coexistence. Learning from one and the other. A god of good standing cannot be without the opposite. This is my opinion based on my observations of life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, you are right. Our character is largely shaped by the environment that raised us. Starting from the family to the wider community. A child who is accustomed to and gets a good example, naturally the values of goodness will grow in him. How his parents and others treat him, will be fully recorded and practiced. I often see parents nagging their children because they like to scribble on the walls of their homes. Rather than putting too much pressure on their age, it would be better if they direct and show the right way and place to draw. Children like this will usually live in fear, not confidence, and often hold anger in them.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good point.

Also just have a wall dedicated to just drawing on it. Paint it over when its filled and let them have at it again. An empty wall is just an empty canvas. And kids i think know this and wish to add some colors onto it. who wants a plain single colored wall all the time? especially white. Its how the schools are too. And prisons.

I have read that art helps to overcome negative states or moments, be it painting, writing or declaiming, also painting and other arts, such as music.
I also remember that there are collections of artists from past times that did not have names, so they were sometimes presented as sketches and were numbered or called exercises and when exhibited they were numbered to keep some order.
Certainly, there are times when words are not enough to express what we want to say, so art works well to release the emotions and feelings that we have inside.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are correct.