Mail Art from Germany and Uruguay 20210422 / ドイツとウルグアイからのメールアート20210422 (ENG/JPN)

in art •  3 years ago 

I received the mail art sent to me today at the designated post office.

I received from Germany and Uruguay. I came all at once, so let me briefly introduce it.

The first is by Susanne Schumacher from Germany. Dividing the screen into two parts, one is a picture of a person, and the other is a complex collage. Thank you!


Next up is Uruguayan artist Maria Victoria Bone Ramirez. This is powerful and wonderful. I would like to adopt such techniques as nijimi and kasure. Thank you!


In this case, for space reasons, even if there are multiple works, only one item is listed. Please look forward to the exhibition at the end of the year.

Please apply as you like. I look forward to your wonderful email art.
Here are the application guidelines (There are some changes in April 3) -

Akiko Yada Solo Exhibition "waxing and waning of mind"
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 - Monday, May 17
11 : 00 - 19 : 00 (Last Day 17: 00)
Venue: Art Gallery Kitano
(439 -4 Ebisu-cho, Kawaramachi Higashi-iru, Sanjo-dori Street, Nakagyo-ku Ward, Kyoto City)


まずはドイツのSusanne Schumacherさんの作品です。画面を2つに分割して、一方は人物の写真、もう一方は複雑なコラージュというのがとても面白いです。ありがとう!

続いてはウルグアイのMaria Victoria Bone Ramirezさんの作品です。これは迫力があって素晴らしいです。こういうにじみとかかすれとかの技法を私も取り入れたいです。ありがとう!



   (京都市中京区三条通河原町東入ル恵比須町439-4 コーカビル)

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