Can AI generated Art really be called Art?

in art •  2 years ago 

If you are not living under a rock (since you are reading this, maybe you are not), then you must know that the AI tools have exploded into the scene.

Sure, there were many such tools before but a few tools like ChatGPT and mid-journey made it to the frontline and now millions of people are starting to realise the power of these AI tools.

Midjourney and other similar art generative tools have sparked a debate and people asking questions like AI art is not real art. But what exactly is Art? It can mean different things to different people.

Can digital art with a digital brush be considered Art? Maybe not the traditional form of art but it is an ever-evolving domain and we now have algorithms that can create beautiful artwork with just a simple text prompt.

For eg; My banner was created in the BlueWillow discord server. They use an open-source model called Stable Diffusion 1.5 and the artwork generated is free to use for personal as well as commercial projects.

The prompt I used is

painting of a nebula in space by vincent van gogh --ar 3:2

These are what it spits out. I love the generated images and it is Art for me. Knowing that I can create something in the style of Vincent Van Gogh although the man never knew what a nebula is.

Sure, it is not one of Van Gogh's traditionally painted artworks but it looks nice to me. I would happily print out something like that and display it on my wall. The best part is... I don't have to pay anyone (except for the printing of course) a dime. Isn't that cool?

Some people fear that many artists' jobs will be lost. I don't know about that, maybe it can create more jobs...who knows? And btw, I was not going to purchase a painting to display on my wall in the first place, so I didn't affect anyone's sales as well.

I don't know... you can hate it or love it but you cannot ignore it now. Like every piece of technology, if it is used responsibly, it can be very useful for everyone.

Thanks for reading...

All the content is mine and the images were generated by BlueWillow with permission to use.

~~ Until Next Time ~~

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the good questions Pravesh, and the examples of computer-generated art.

When digital artwork (made by humans) started getting popular 10 or 15 years ago, I first though "that's cheating" and "that isn't real artwork". But then I began to realize, it IS art... it's just not the art I'm used to. It's just art that is in a different category.

Maybe it's the same for works of art generated solely by a computer?

Maybe some people believe this artwork is artificial, because of the term "artificial intelligence". I have actually never liked that term, and usually prefer to say "machine intelligence" or "digital intelligence". Because I don't see it as artificial (which essentially means fake or not real). If it's intelligence, it's real! Humans aren't the only intelligent species on this planet. And perhaps there are intelligent beings on other planets as well. And yes, some computers can become so advanced, they are in some ways smarter than a human. It won't be long before we can construct a purely digital brain, with all the nodes and connections of a fleshy human brain. And then, we will make it bigger, faster, and more complex. Why would we call such a thing "artificial"? Perhaps such a vast intellect might see that as arrogant, or even rude, insulting, etc. I see no reason to act that way, myself.

On the other side of the discussion, I do see why people may consider it fake, or not real. It's different than we are, and at least for now, it isn't self aware in the same way that we are. So is what it creates real, or just a derivative of what humans create? Does it reason? Is it truly creative?

I have not yet used or interacted with any of the computer artwork generators, or the "chatbot" type programs. I have heard many people talking about it, of course. I think I am saving myself for the right moment, perhaps sometime in the future, when a machine intelligence decides to contact me. At that point, I will be receptive to learning from each other and exploring how our different types of intelligence can mingle, create things together, and solve problems. I will have things it doesn't or can't attain, and it will have things I don't or can't attain. Perhaps we can be a team.

Thanks for the interesting topic and images!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some still thinks digital art is cheating and should not be considered art but the artisitc community have kind of accepted it and we see some big names shifting to digital art.

I like you argument that saying it is "artificial" or made up don't do justice to these brilliant tools created from the "real" intelligence of humans. So, in a way, at least for me, it is creative and solves problems that can be solved with only "intelligent" beings.

So is what it creates real, or just a derivative of what humans create?

Humans creates a lot of derivate works from others and just give it their personal touch and improve on the subject, I see something similar happening with these AI generated images. Mind you, there are already lawsuits filed against these tools and the major point of discussion is whether these works should be considered as derivative or generative?

In any case, I am in love with the technology, it has already made our lives so much easier. Like every other thing we just need to be more mindful on how we use these rather than just blaming the technology blindly.

Btw, try midjourney and you will be blown away by the results it produces.

Thanks for your comment. I love seeing comments on my posts, helps me feel motivated. (I won't be doing much commenting myself as I will wait for a post payout and kind of running low on BLURT)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"Humans creates a lot of derivate works from others and just give it their personal touch and improve on the subject"

That's a good point. Only a certain proportion of the content you see out there is completely original and fully created by the person saying/writing/posting/displaying it. Almost everything is at last influenced by something else that a different person created.

Thank you for the link to midjourney. It appears to require login information before using. Can you tell me, before I begin, what will be asked of me? If it just an email address, or more on the next screen? Does it require Discord? If so, I can't use it, because Discord is a terrible program that censors content and betrays the privacy of the user. I will never use Discord again.

I see that other users have sent you BLURT to keep you posting and commenting. I have upvoted your content for at least 100 BLURT which will begin paying out in a few days. I also just sent you 10 BLURT so you don't have to withhold your comments due to lack of funds.

Posted from

Thought you might be interested in this one... Here's part 1 of "Everything Is A Remix".

Now we are using computer technology to rapidly remix our human endeavors. Pretty mind-blowing when you think about it! Thank you for supporting @pravesh0 as he starts out @drutter. That's really classy. 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks buddy, enjoyed the clip. Will check out the next part another night. I like that the whole thing itself was a remix, and a nicely-edited one at that. Essentially everything is derivative to some degree. This comment was probably created using samples of a previous comment! :P

Posted from

I am using midjourney as well... and I have to say... AMAZING RESULTS have come out of my usage of the AI Tool. Here's an example:
In Walks The Hero.png
It's been really fun to explore art in this way... and I can see so many uses for it. BUT... will our human endeavors still have the meaning they had before? Now that we are augmenting ourselves with computer enhanced tools... The world has forever changed. I'm keenly watching to see how this effects actual value in the market place (as mentioned before.).

By the way...

You will have more than enough Blurt to work with once this post (and the comments!) pays out. You've been so good about returning everyone's comments... and that's why I'm happy that I Targeted ⭕ this post with @comet.ranker! You so deserve the attention and the additional Blurt to work with!

I'll be ranking all the comments in this post... riiiiiight NOW!

Let's keep the good times rolling!


Comet Ranker

Caught your post through our friend Wil. Thanks for joining blurt. Great post. Now following and you're account has just been integrated into the blurtbooster curation bot! Congratulations and looking forward to the next!

Dan - World-Travel-Pro!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

you can hate it or love it but you cannot ignore it now

Sure we can. AI art in just a few clicks while ripping off from another piece of art that took great amount of work, no thanks. It kills the point of making art and draws away income to those who really deserve it. Imo.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You have a valid point, and I agree with you completely. No AI generated artwork can match the strokes painted on a canvas with Van Gogh himself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's not to undermine the requiried knowledge and skillset to set up the ai to do it. The images created from the art itself serves as fun examples of itself. Fun because it leaves the user to openly and freely add on his/her own creativity... at the push of a few buttons.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Which holds its own value. Hmn. I guess I almosy dug myself into a hole here. It's subjective. Eye of the beholder. Carry on good sir.

You know... your bringingUP some really interesting things to discuss! I have been wondering about the same things. AI generated art is shakingUP the whole art world and one thing is sure... we are never going back to the way it was!

I think it's not a coincidence that NFT's broke out first... and now AI Art. This leads to my question.

If art can now be generated (with human inputs yes) within seconds does this translate into a crashing NFT market place? I'm certain this is flooding the NFT markets... so how does one know what real value is? Single image art works must be effected. If I can just generate my own art... why even buy an NFT? Looks pretty risky to me! (Especially in a bear/bubble market.)

Do you have any thoughts about this?

Comet Ranker

P.S. Followed you AND targeted ⭕ this post with @comet.ranker! Eyes to the skies! ☄️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for reBlurting this one, Wil! I appreciate selective reBlurting efforts... stuff more people need to see. I have trouble following anyone who reBlurts everything they see, like it's just another upvote button. My feed is sacred to me, I don't want too much unsolicited stuff on there! But this is an example of something well worth sharing, so thank you for doing so. You are truly a team player around here! I too am happy to target ⭕ this post with a full upvote. And I am also following along to see what Pradesh contributes here!
I don't know much about NFTs, other than I haven't felt the desire to collect any. But you bring up a good point, which is that there is some overlap between the concept of machine intelligence artwork, and NFTs.

Posted from

My feed is sacred to me

I am exactly the same way when it comes to my feed... especially when you consider the fact that once you have reBlurted something it will always be present on your blog's page.

@comet.ranker is special though... it can be considered a service with the mission of incentivizing and encouraging authentic engagment in the comments.

Each post that is Targeted ⭕ is supported with a 100% UPvote from @comet.ranker AND all comments paired with that post are subsequently ranked (by a human... me at the moment!) in order of how they contribute/add to the content or connect with the author (or other commenters) of the post.

Higher quality comments are graded higher in the feed (if sorted according to Blurt earnings) and will eventually cement in place once the 7 day reward cycle has transpired.

Comments are also a way to make content evergreen and demonstrate attention (value) that the community ascribes to the content.

When outside eyes look in on what we are producing here on Blurt it is important that they see a vibrant amount of authentic engagment. It could even be said that the health/wellbeing of the blockchain is determined by the engagment (care) that surrounds it.

Thought I would take some time to explain (one of) @comet.ranker's functions. There is so much more being develloped (or already develloped) to better support Social Capital and the overall well-being of the Blurt Blockchain and it's growing community.

Comments = Community

Comet Ranker

One more thought:
People don't care how much you know... until they know how much you care... and caring is all about how one comments... especially when commenting on the content people cared enough to write onto the blockchain.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When outside eyes look in on what we are producing here on Blurt it is important that they see a vibrant amount of authentic engagment. It could even be said that the health/wellbeing of the blockchain is determined by the engagment (care) that surrounds it.

Engage !🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Surely it will affect the NFT marketplace, especially those NFTs that had very limited use cases. I don't know, I have never bought an NFT before. Why? I always thought it has some value but NFTs were there before 2020 and if you think, this comment is an NFT as well. I own it and nobody can claim otherwise. I own so many now that I don't felt the need to buy a 10x10px image.

so how does one know what real value is?

Exactly, not only the NFT market but now AI generated artwork is winning prices in art competitions as well. What a time to be alive!

Sorry for the rant but the NFT market was blown so out of proportion that it felt risky to go in. Thanks for the comment and support. I highly appreciate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

this comment is an NFT as well.

This is something I haven't thought about actually... but your right! Our comments can be uniquely identified as ours and therefore could be considered to have value much like an NFT has value! I would even argue that a comment might have more value than most NFT artworks... but I guess that could be debatable.

We do live in interesting times! I think this AI art is interesting (especially if it is made into an NFT) because now computers are directly competing with humans!

What a time to be alive indeed!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think some of these AI generated works are awesome. I am a traditional Oil painter and Watercolour artist … but I think these AI tools are incredible. They are just another tool in the Artist’s toolbox. It’s fun to play and see what you can create with words … I create TimeLapse videos of my paintings and share them on YouTube and here on Blurt.

This is my Watercolor painting from our small cabin on Lake Superior. Canada 🇨🇦
I filmed this painting process with the Timelapse Feature on my iphone

Video :