My Son's Artwork at Age 3

in art •  last year 

My son has been drawing from a very early age (18 months) and he does it often. Now, at age 3, he draws actual objects from imagination, with pen, pencil, crayons, etc. Recently he likes to make letters out of lego or toys. The Original Baby Einstein (his only TV time) really got him obsessed with colours, shapes, and numbers early on. He knew them all by the time he started drawing. With a bit of practise he's actually drawing things from imagination instead of just scribbling.

Mar 26 2023 Sheep.jpg

In my previous post I uploaded some of my son's best artwork at age two. By the end they're starting to turn into objects instead of just scribbles - see The Tall Boy. Watching the transformation is amazing. Now, here are some of his best drawings starting around three years old. His name has been removed for privacy reasons, but all pictures are his intellectual property.

Oct 5 2022.jpg

Oct 27 2022.jpg

October 2022 Halloween.jpeg

Nov22.2022 Mouse poop.jpg

Feb 2023 Walnu.jpeg

Feb 23 Car.jpg

Mar 9 2023 Ballons going way up into the sky.jpeg

Mar 9 2023 Hot Air Balloon.jpeg

Mar 10 2023 Chocolate chip cookie.jpeg

Mar 11 2023 Racecar.jpg

March 12 2022 apples plums oranges.jpg

Mar 15 2023 Water putting out Fire.jpeg

March 18 2023 Writing.jpeg

March 16 2023 Sunglasses.jpeg

March 16 20223 Music Notes.jpeg

Mar23 Big Truck.jpg


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  ·  last year  ·  

There is a strong mind working there, let his imagination run free! I see strength there, waiting to be released; you're right to be proud of him!

The greatest gift from my Father was when he taught me to Think! I'm still making a living solving other's problems using critical thinking.

It is wonderful to watch a young mind grow! Congratulations, its the toughest job you'll ever love; and it only gets better from here.

  ·  last year  ·  

I love my son to draw what ever he likes to draw. He had lots of pieces like those scribbles made by your son. I always remind my wife to collect all those piece of artwork he made, but when I go home for my yearly vacation, not even 1 of it have been kept.

Last year I bought him a sketchpad, I hope my wife would not tear those pages and throw them again or else lol, I don't like to argue with my wife haha she already won.

He's also playing mobile phone but at least he knows his limit. But when I'm on my vacation, I am an on-hand father to him I let him practice physical activities and he loves it, like playing bicycle, hide and seek etc.

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  ·  last year  ·  

He recently drew a face, and it was good, and I was amazed. But he drew over it before I could save it. He did draw some objects like skateboards when he was 2, but when he drew "mouse poop" in November I was amazed that he was drawing objects. After cleaning up our new day while drawing my son asked me to draw something like he often does. He said "Mummy, can you draw me a mouse poop?" And I replied "Ew! No, I'm not going to draw a mouse poop". So, he shrugged and turned back around and drew it himself, haha. I thought I was just not reinforcing poop talk but I was really reinforcing learning to draw without help!

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

From top to bottom: Sheep, Marker on Paper, Scribble on Construction Paper, Halloween, Mouse Poop, Walnut, Car, Balloons, Hot Air Balloons, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Blue Race Car, Apples Plums Oranges, Putting out Fire with Water, Writing, Sunglasses, Music Notes (Lots of Instruments), Big Truck, Library Drawing Contest.

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  ·  last year  ·  

So many nice selections! He's done a lot of great stuff, but the ones you chose really showcase his blossoming talent and creativity. ReBlurted!

Sometimes I wonder if it's not just lack of experience that leads to the strange outputs he comes up with... but also that young children and toddlers see the world differently than older people. Maybe that's how he sees adults... huge legs and small torsos. Makes sense if you're not even hip-high!

I love watching him go at it - he pours out his emotions, imagination, conscious thoughts, and distinct personality into the art.

I find his abstract art to be more aesthetic than a lot of professional artists' abstract art.

It's interesting to me that he chooses different mediums (crayons, pens, pencils) and colours, and combines them as he sees fit. He seems to be advancing at a rapid pace, drawing more like a 5 year old now than a 3 year old.

Putting Out Fire With Water is very beautiful. I love what he decided to do with the 2 colours he had available.

Gotta hunt for that Blue Race Car!

The eyes and musical notes he's doing lately are interesting.

Bravo, son!

  ·  last year  ·  

Nice observation @drutter. To add, his outputs are so innocent and pure that makes me praise his talent even more. Comparing his outputs from previous ones, I can say that there is great improvements.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yeah some of his abstract stuff would make a nice card background or something. It is very tasteful and not bizarre. Made for a nice thumbnail :)

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  ·  last year  ·  

You are right @medikatie. His abstract stuff can be used as a cover for a greeting card or a front cover of a notebook.🤩

  ·  last year  ·  

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