Painting an Oil Painting: Painting Mochica Ears and Eagle
Hello friends! Today I want to show you this new painting, this was one of the first paintings with the theme of the cultures of Peru and it is a special motif of the Moche culture, I made this work after my studies at the School of Fine Arts, the image shows the eagle after breaking an earmuff (the earmuff is part of the trousseau of a Mochica dignitary made of gold inlaid with lapis lazuli), as if Andean fantasy and magic invaded the moment and thus cracks the Moche earmuff which has the design of a bird
Being at school is where I begin to develop my themes with greater interest where I include the typical animals that ancient Peruvians represented such as the otorongo and the eagle, always observing nature, especially animals, is what also attracts me now draw the pets.
Oil painting, with a predominance of warm colors such as orange and yellow and cold colors to a lesser extent such as blue and green, the characteristic of the brushstroke is detailed in sectors such as the eye and is transformed into an almost impressionistic brushstroke in part of the ear flap as well as the feathers and the bottom.
Moche Earmuff and Eagle, oil painting 81x65cm. I hope you like it!
Paint details
Details of the left view of the earmuff.
Eagle eye details.
Details of the right view of the earmuff.
Details of the eagle's feathers.
Details of part of the eagle's beak.
Finished Painting
Thank you for visiting, Peace and blessings to all!