in art •  10 months ago 

Mi oscuridad es representa por un rostro imponente
De piel palida y mirada penetrante, creo que a pesar de ser algo aterrador la oscuridad tiene algo mistico y hermoso. Sin ella no podríamos ver brillar las estrellas y solamente estando en ella notaras su resplandor real.
Mi pintura está rodeada de luz ya no existe una sin la otra y abriendo su boca para devorar en su totalidad cualquier cosa que caiga en ella lo bueno e incluso lo malo. Dice take me- tómame porque considero que es posible usarla a nuestro beneficio, no desde la maldad si no desde la paz ya que ayuda a relajarte, a despejar tu mente e incluso favorece a la secreción de melatonina es la hormona del sueño que ayuda a dormirse más fácilmente. Y aunque para muchos puede parecer terrorífica puedes encontrar belleza en ella e incluso tranquilidad solo depende el enfoque que tú le quieras dar.
La luz todos la van a adorar, muestrales tu oscuridad y verás en realidad quien te ama de verdad. Y asi hoy les doy a conocer este fragmento mio.
Espero les guste mi arte agradezco su apoyo y deseo que pasen una increíble noche gente bonita!


My darkness is represented by an imposing face. With pale skin and penetrating gaze, I believe that despite being terrifying, darkness has something mystical and beautiful. Without it we could not see the stars shine and only by being in it will you notice its real glow. My painting is surrounded by light, one does not exist without the other, and it opens its mouth to devour in its entirety whatever good and even bad things fall into it. He says take me- take me because he considers that it is possible to use it for our benefit, not from evil but from peace, since it helps to relax, clear your mind and even favors the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone that helps to Sleep easier. And although for many it may seem terrifying, you can find beauty in it and even tranquility, it only depends on the approach that you want to give it. Everyone will adore the light, show them your darkness and you will see who really loves you. And so today I let you know this fragment of mine. I hope you like my art, I appreciate your support and I hope you have an incredible night, beautiful people!

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