in art •  10 months ago 

La pintura del dia de hoy la llamé "La nube rosa"
Es una representación propia de lo que sentimos cuando estamos absolutamente enamorados de alguien. Estando en ella nos sentimos plenos, relajados, fuertes y amados, cerramos los ojos con tranquilidad de que nada malo sucederá y nos dejamos sorprender por las maravillas del amor y la magia que habitan en el, desde mi perspectiva me gusta sentarme a pensar sobre lo que sucede cuando estamos en ella y poder confiar en la sinceridad de lo que te rodea con su estabilidad para seguir el camino del aprendizaje. Aunque hay que admitir, que no siempre es fácil como en todo hay entornos de oscuridad pero es cuando la luz de luna alumbrara el espacio y el cielo estrellado te dará la calma necesaria para habitarla. Justo ahí en esa nube rosa es cuando estamos mas cerca de nuestra libertad y es garantia sentirte seguro, de ser tu mismo sin ser juzgado, de estar motivado y lograr ser tan transparente que al rozar tu piel se erizaran. Puedo asegurar que estando cerca de aquello que es nuestra esencia siempre nos sentiremos en casa, ponte cómodo y disfrútala porque mientras haya vida hay tiempo y mientras haya día hay oportunidades. Todo son etapas y la nube rosa te permitirá evolucionar y sanar aquellas heridas que en el pasado no lograste cerrar.
No tiene sentido cerrarse o replegarse por miedo a sufrir y es inevitable sentir, date la oportunidad de vivirla al máximo que siempre será mejor arriesgarte a quedarte sentado y decir me atreví! a pensar o martirizar tu mente de por vida en lo que hubiera pasado si lo hubieras intentado. Les deseo una confortable noche gente bonita gracias por su apoyo!


I called today's painting "The Pink Cloud" It is a representation of what we feel when we are absolutely in love with someone. Being in it we feel full, relaxed, strong and loved, we close our eyes with peace of mind that nothing bad will happen and we allow ourselves to be surprised by the wonders of love and the magic that inhabit it, from my perspective I like to sit down and think about what What happens when we are in it and being able to trust in the sincerity of what surrounds you with its stability to follow the path of learning. Although it must be admitted that it is not always easy as in everything there are dark environments, but it is when the moonlight will illuminate the space and the starry sky will give you the necessary calm to inhabit it. Right there in that pink cloud is when we are closest to our freedom and it is a guarantee to feel safe, to be yourself without being judged, to be motivated and manage to be so transparent that when it touches your skin they will crawl. I can assure you that being close to what is our essence we will always feel at home, make yourself comfortable and enjoy it because as long as there is life there is time and as long as there is day there are opportunities. Everything is stages and the pink cloud will allow you to evolve and heal those wounds that you were unable to close in the past. There is no point in closing or withdrawing for fear of suffering and it is inevitable to feel, give yourself the opportunity to live it to the fullest that it will always be better to risk sitting and saying I dared to think or martyr your mind for life on what would have happened if I did. you would have tried I wish you a comfortable night beautiful people, thank you for your support!

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