in art •  10 months ago 

Había una vez un chico de 14 años que había perdido su madre pasaba noches enteras con la mirada perdida y sumergido en la tristeza hasta que una noche observo en cielo con los ojos empapados y noto ese gran astro blanco que noche con noche contemplaba su llanto, una gigante luna blanca que sabia su dolor y lo observaba en su ventana.
Esa y varias noches el no dejo de mirarla y admirarla hasta que sus ojos se cerraban.
Un dia comprendió que la luna lo escucho y el dolor desapareció. El le juro adorarla por aquella gran esperanza que esa luna blanca le había otorgado y que sin querer en la distancia su mirar había enfocado. Y así fue como ese niño creo y por el resto de sus días su fé en ella posó!
Una pintura difícil de entender hasta después de leer.
Ese niño fui yo y esa luna tomo un papel importante en mi vida desde aquel duelo que todavía recuerdo.
Un ser atado y amordazado que representan el dolor que se tuvo que atravesar para poder después abrazar sus caricias lunares. El niño que opto por cerrar sus ojos y adormecer el dolor en los cráteres de ella. Que aprendió a amar la noche solo para contemplar y aprender de cada fase que la luna atravesaba, admirando aquella silenciosa confidente que jamas hubiera imaginado a su vida había llegado.
Espero que tengan una confortable noche gente bonita gracias infinitas por su tiempo para leerme y apoyo.


Once upon a time there was a 14-year-old boy who had lost his mother, he spent entire nights staring into space and submerged in sadness until one night he looked at the sky with drenched eyes and noticed that great white star that night after night contemplated his tears. a giant white moon that knew his pain and watched him in his window. That and several nights he did not stop looking at her and admiring her until her eyes closed. One day he understood that the moon heard him and the pain disappeared. He swore to adore her for that great hope that the white moon had given him and that accidentally focused his gaze in the distance. And that's how that child believed and for the rest of his days his faith in her posed! A difficult painting to understand until after reading. That child was me and that moon played an important role in my life since that duel that I still remember. A bound and gagged being that represents the pain that he had to go through in order to later embrace his lunar caresses. The boy who chose to close his eyes and numb the pain in her craters. That he learned to love the night just to contemplate and learn from each phase that the moon went through, admiring that silent confidante that he would never have imagined had come into his life. I hope you have a comfortable night beautiful people thank you infinitely for your time to read me and support.

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