I Have The Inalienable Right To Self-Ownership Sigil Final

in art •  2 years ago 



I have been working on this show for 7 months and it is almost here. i am thinking about whether I should share this link with my family - because if I share this work with them that will be it. I will probably never hear from them ever again. Should I? What do you guys think?


“I Have The Inalienable Right To Self-Ownership Sigil”
Mixed Media Paperclay Relief Sculpture
13” x 18” x 1.5" $612
by Joanna Whitney, 2022 Intuitive Art Society, PMA

This is the first piece I did in this series. I did it back when I was fighting with Natural Grocers store managers about having the right to breathe without a face diaper, so it was before I even started this project.

Let me be clear about my point of view: Viruses do not exist. This woo-hoo flu is a skam created by the Tavistock Institute for the purpose of setting the world up for the globalist takeover by the the el-ites. Where am I getting my information? I will make a reference page for those who are interested about where I am getting my information. I have been studying this since 2001, but in earnest since 2015.

When all this SHTF I was pretty much alone here in Denver because my whole group of friends bought into it, and I did not. I began struggling with my own trauma, my own lack of embodiment of my own body - in other words - I knew in my intellect that I did not want to participate in all this crap but I was too cowardly to be able to pull it off. But, I was struggling with my physical reaction to being told that I must wear a face diaper to get food. I experienced physical reactions which often made it impossible for me to simply stand up for my rights. So this piece - this Sigil, I created for myself to assist me in my spiritual process of getting strong enough to stand up. And I also joined Autonomy.

I figured a lot of other people were also going through this too which is why they succumbed. I know they succumbed because the mask "mandates" are off right now and most people are not wearing masks - except the ultra terrified who walk their dogs outside alone and masked. The real pandemic is FEAR people!

There was so much evidence out there that “masks" don’t work and that a “mandate” is simply a “strong” suggestion but the “virtue signalling” of group-think was stronger than even the CDC website which stated that medical exemptions were available to those with a breathing condition…and besides that - this is Denver - which is at altitude - 5280 feet above sea level. Before all this malarky started people were walking around with oxygen tanks. I haven't seen any of them lately. ??

Under Natural Law there are no stated inalienable rights. What is stated is basically Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You – The Golden Rule… but we are so deep into slavery at this point that I felt that it was necessary to define some inalienable rights just to get us out of the mind control: Starting with Self-Ownership. I knew in my guts that if I truly knew in an embodied way that I owned my body, that I would just brush off the peer pressure. So I worked on it. I have known people that have decided that they were not going to get the jab, were totally committed to not getting the jab, who after months and months of peer pressure just walked into a clinic and got it and had no idea how that happened. It is a lack of truly believing to your inner most self that you own your body and therefore deeply know that you decide what goes in it and what goes on it. If you don't own your body then who does? The government? Entities? Who? I own my body, and that was why I made that sigil and started praying about it and doing trauma work around it. Now I am comfortable with this idea - and I do not give consent to anyone to do anything to my body that I have not decided to do myself.

Observe in Nature, how Nature’s creatures own their bodies. Animals and trees are themselves. There are no rulers over them. Have you ever seen a hawk get to close to a swallow’s nest and watch how the swallows fight off a big bird of prey? Those creatures are living free with the life force coursing through their bodies. They are who they are. They are not beholden to anyone else for anything else. They are free.

Posted from https://blurt.live

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