“I Have The Inalienable Right To Self Defense Sigil”

in art •  2 years ago 


“I Have The Inalienable Right To Self Defense Sigil”
Mixed Media Photo-collage with Acrylic on Found Cupboard Door, 16” x 18”
2022 Intuitive Art Society, PMA
Thornton, CO

What is a Sigil?

A positive statement of intention made into a symbol, which speaks to the subconscious mind. To activate the Sigil, simply redraw the symbol by hand, finding all the letters of the statement in it. By doing this, you are telling your subconscious mind that this symbol represents this statement. Then hang the painting up where you can see it daily and release the results, trusting and having faith that God, the Creator, by way of Natural Law, also wants this inalienable right for you.

This Right

is getting a bad rap these days because the el-ites want to control us and they are willing to do anything to gain control, including false flag attacks like the Columbine High School shooting, the Batman Movie shooting, the King Sooper's shooting, and all the others around the country and the world. It’s all about the gun grab. In 2007, I lived in Englewood, CO and the Englewood PD owned a tank which they brought to my apartment complex to go after a “fugitive”. Our 2nd Amendment suggests that we the people be armed equally to our oppressors. We are to have a “well-regulated militia” – and that does not meant that we have permits to carry – to regulate means “to adjust (an instrument or appliance) so that it operates correctly” – so that means we need to clean our guns regularly and practice shooting them to keep our aim, so that we and they operate correctly when we need to use them.

I chose

to do a series of Inalienable Rights Sigil paintings because Natural Law is the only thing that is True, and most of us have been mentally enslaved to believe that we do not truly have these rights. If that were not the case, we would not be in the mess we are in.

Have you ever heard of http://jpfo.org/?

Jews For The Preservation of Firearm Ownership? These people have not forgotten history. Boulder County can pass all the unconstitutional gun “laws” they like – even Denver County’s concealed carry law is unconstitutional – it’s still on the books because no one has challenged it. “Concealed Carry Permit” is an oxymoron. I would not want to be on a list created by the people who are oppressing me.

Observe in Nature

how free beings have thorns, teeth, venom, claws, odors, stingers and speed, tactics herds, flocks, packs, groves, swarms – in order to defend themselves against predators.


want to believe that we, “humans” are of superior intelligence and that’s why are beyond the need to defend ourselves but the real problem is the intellect itself. The intellect is the part of the mind that causes all of our problems, as it operates in fantasy.

I chose to utilize the Flower of Life pattern in these Sigils simply to pay homage to Natural Law and the work of Hermes Trismegistus who is said to be the creator of the Flower of Life pattern. I was reading the Emerald Tablets , translated by Michael Doreal, of Sedalia, CO while creating this painting. I also included my hand-written and hand drawn initial sigil so that you will feel comfortable creating the sigils for yourself.

The el-ites refer to the 1% -

the royals – the psychopaths – the nephilim. I call them the el-ites because they are referred to as “elite” but that word is actually referring to whom they believe their God is – EL. These people are Khazarian and they became Jews in 740 AD so that they could hide out amongst the oppressed people and use that as their armor. They are the Sabbatean-Frankist Cult, The Cult of the Black Sun, the Cabal, The Illuminati… they go by many names.

If you are interested in learning more about Natural Law, please download my free booklet at https://intuitiveart.net in the Library.

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I didnt realise you had a website...just checking it out now

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no kidding? I have the weebly site and wordpress but I have not really figured out wordpress yet

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ive been using wordpress for more than a decade and still havent figured it out!

Its like a giant rabbit hole that grows bigger by the day