A rose elf / Original Character Illustration

in art •  3 years ago 

Hi friends from #Blurt.blog

Hola amigos de #Blurt.blog


A rose elf

Una elfo rosa

He lived in an old village hidden among the forests, exactly on the heights of the trees, from there they could observe the entire territory and protect themselves from the threats that lurked, because of its beauty it managed to captivate the hearts of all people;Unparalleled look, his hair and above all his kindness, his mystical powers could calm the waters, make flowers grow and heal the sick, but there was evil and envy, his power was claimed by evil beings, he managed to escape from his home Tosave his life, now no one knows where he is, it is only said that he became a superior being and that he protects his people from above.

Vivía en una antigua aldea escondida entre los bosques, exactamente en las alturas de los árboles, desde allí podían observar todo el territorio y protegerse de las amenazas que acechaban, por su belleza logró cautivar los corazones de todas las personas; Mirada inigualable, su cabello y sobre todo su amabilidad, sus poderes místicos pudieron calmar las aguas, hacer crecer las flores y curar a los enfermos, pero existía el mal y la envidia, su poder fue reclamado por seres malvados, logró escapar de su casa para salvarle la vida, ahora nadie sabe dónde está, solo se dice que se convirtió en un ser superior y que protege a su pueblo desde arriba.


Darker color scale / Escala de colores mas oscura.

This illustration and story are entirely my own, I hope you liked it, I leave you with the summary of the step by step of my work.

Esta ilustración e historia son totalmente mías, espero que les haya gustado, les dejo con el resumen del paso a paso de mi trabajo.



Step by step

Paso a paso







This is all friends, with this I say goodbye until next time, happy day!

Esto es todo amigos, con esto me despido hasta la proxima, ¡feliz dia!

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