Loyok Tourist Village Offers Bamboo Crafts for Mandalika MotoGP Souvenirs

in art •  3 years ago 


East Lombok Regional Tourism Promotion Agency will show off a number of tourist village handicrafts in the Mandalika MotoGP bazaar. The villagers' handicrafts can be souvenirs purchased by the audience.

One of the tourist villages whose craft products will be displayed is Loyok Village in Sikur Subdistrict. "Almost all bamboo and wood products and fabrics can be sold there," said Village Secretary Loyok Isnaini, Monday, January 24, 2022.

Loyok tourist village has been one of the villages where foreign tourists stay overnight. The village produces bamboo woven bags, market bags, gandek (sasak typical bags), tissue holders, garbage boxes, shopping bags, lampshades, lamp decorations to bamboo chair tables.

The handicrafts were produced by about 830 craftsmen from Mangkling Hamlet. "Local products of Loyok crafts have become a lifestyle. Whatever the booker wants can be realized here," said Head of West Nusa Tenggara Industry Office Nuryanti.

Nuryanti said there had even been orders from Japan. "This is all thanks to assistance carried out for a long time using machine tools provided by the government," he said.

Chairman of the East Lombok District Tourism Promotion Agency Muhammad Nursandi said Loyok is a fairly old tourist village in the East Lombok region. For a long time, Loyok is famous for bamboo woven crafts that later became souvenirs or souvenirs by foreign tourist visitors.

"It is also widespread to several famous destinations in Indonesia, one of which is in Bali," nursandi said.

Loyok handicrafts are sent to travel agencies and souvenir shops in Bali to be sold to foreign visitors, even exported abroad. For visitors who do not want to just buy crafts, can come directly to the tourist village to witness firsthand the process of making bamboo woven handicrafts.

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