in art •  4 years ago 

Good day and good Sunday to all of onchainart, here with an illustration that I liked a lot and I agree with which I call POPE CHICHO III


This illustration is something special since I took as an inspiration a little neighbor's dog called chicho I was going to take a photo but they cut off its fur and it doesn't look like the one in the drawing

but still continue with the idea, the puppy is something similar to this but a little bigger and was hairier, The funny thing is that he does not allow himself to be cared for by anyone and is hateful sometimes hahaha


Well this idea like any other begins with a sketch and from there I develop the idea


Then I go through the lines and finally the color and add more details, I really liked this work and well I really like the theme of churches although I don't believe in it and I really like animals, especially dogs,


You already saw the final work from the beginning I hope you like it as much as I will soon more work

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