Flowers are the beautiful creature of God and it's very rare that someone doesn't like flowers.
OK, let's start with step by step procedure of this sketch with coloring the tree and flower with color pencils for a change instead of water color.
Firs step, outline of the tree with flowers.
Trees are very much part of our life either in the form of giving fruits, fresh air, wood for many purposes or even in the form of protecting the fertility of the soil and helping in getting more rain.
Coloring of the tree with dark green and yellow mix.
It seems some trees can live for Thousands of years and the history of trees goes back to 370 million years
Further coloring of the stem and light yellow color for flower shading.
Like I mentioned above, trees are vital in preserving the fertility of the soil by preventing erosion and also source of Oxygen for us.
More colors for flowers as we can see below with red touch on yellow for flowers.
Shading of flowers and leaves for natural look.
Black lines touch up for flowers for those lines kind of structure which supports leaves and flowers.
Further touch ups for the whole sketch for more natural look.
That's something I feel nice in drawing this as it's something more attractive and looks natural.