Announcement: Super opportunity for the delegation

in announcement •  3 years ago  (edited)


I am very happy to inform you that I have launched a delegation system for those of you who are working on the blurt blogging site and want to earn income from here. You can earn a good amount of income with your power delegation. I want to make the Blurt site more popular. So those who want to give a delegation can give your power delegation today.

Conditions for giving delegation

  1. The name of the delegation ID is @looking
  2. You can give a minimum of 1000 delegations and a maximum of 30,000 delegations.
  3. 5 blurt votes per thousand will be voted. Example: -

Delegation 1000 = You will get vote 4 or 1.2 Blurt Coin. blurt votes in exactly the same way
Delegation 2000= You will get daily vote 8 or 2.4 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 3000 = You will get daily vote 12 or 3.6 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 4000 = You will get daily vote 16 or 4.8 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 5000 = You will get daily vote 20 or 6 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 6000 = You will get daily vote 24 or 7.2 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 7000 = You will get daily vote 28 or 8.4 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 8000 = You will get daily vote 32 or 9.6 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 9000 = You will get daily vote 36 or 10.8 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 10000 = You will get daily vote 40 or 12 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 11000 = You will get daily vote 44 or 13.2 Blurt Coin.
Delegation 12000 = You will get daily vote 48or 14.4 Blurt Coin
Delegation 13000 = You will get daily vote 52 or 15.6 Blurt Coin
Delegation 14000 = You will get daily vote 56 or 16.8 Blurt Coin
Delegation 15000 = You will get daily vote 60 or 18 Blurt Coin.............
Delegation 30000= You will get daily vote 120 or 36 Blurt Coin
(Liquid blurt coin will be given on the day when voting power is less.)

In this way, according to the ratio, he will get as many delegations as you give.
Special Note: Delegation rewards may change at any time because if the blurt site voting rewards are reduced, the delegation rewards will be reduced.
So today you get a good amount of income in exchange for Power Delegation Day.

How to do delegation?
Go to your Blurt Wallet:

Click login:

Enter your user name and your privet key:

Click Delegation button:

From: your user name
TO: loking
Thanks From: @looking
Join Blurt Bangladesh Discord:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Very good, excellent.
i hope i will delegate you(@looking) inshalah
go ahead.
best of luck

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks @ekushya

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

1000 delegated

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many many Thanks @photosnap

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

if i delegates 3000 blurt power then per day @looking give me 12$vote and 3.6 blurt in a day?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes brother

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ok..bro i will delegate 3500 bp after 6 day,cause i have to withdraw from another

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

okay no problem

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You'll never get a $12 vote from @looking because it's worth 90 BLURT for now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

10000 done

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks @hafizullah. I hope we will better this way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I delegate 2000 ! :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes receive all ready voted yesterday.