Tengo un hermoso perro como mascota con el cual nos hemos transformado en amigos y confidentes. Aparte de la compañia es un excelente guardian
Hace poco un amigo me regaló una mascota un poco particular porque segun él están de moda las mascotas exoticas.

Se trata de un pez piraña, esos que son nativos de las aguas tropicales de Brasil y tienen dientes tan afilados como cuchillos.
Dicen que devoran animales enteros y dejan solo los huesos porque atacan en cardumen, centenares de ejemplares todos juntos.

Era tarde para devolverlo asi que tuve que quedarme con el.
Por las dudas, le tiro la comida desde lejos…

I have a beautiful dog as a pet, with whom we have become friends and confidants. Apart from the companionship, he is an excellent guardian.
Recently a friend of mine gave me a special pet because according to him exotic pets are in fashion.

It is a piranha fish, those that are native to the tropical waters of Brazil and have teeth as sharp as knives.
It is said that they devour whole animals and leave only the bones because they attack in shoals, hundreds of specimens all together.

It was too late to return it, so I had to keep it.
Just in case, I threw the food at him from far away...

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