What is a "NAME" in the legal sense? What is a name anyways? Part 2

in anarchy •  3 years ago 

"Good Day "

I don't know what a cossip is either but i'll tell you what a cusip number is and is used for. Why is it important? If you "stick" long enough you will find out.

I will give you short vids and gradually work our way up.


How did you become enlightened? What was your path?


Continuing on with what a name is.... part 2

note: these posts will come at random.

Ahh government.


What is government?
Is it a building? Is it "we the people"? The "public"? Is it the "Public" or We the "People"?

There is differences in definitions.
Depending on the way it is written, how it used, and how it is acted upon as by the human presuming the definitions used against him, ARE things to watch out for.

At school we aee taught from the beginning that gov is a good moral thing. That police are there to protect us.

Its not till we experience certain realities that we discover that is not very true.

We are taught to just repeat the legalese language without ever knowing about it and are trixkes into given it out unaware that we are sctually handing over pur freedom, amagi, and soul to be at the disposal of someone else using force, fear and intimidation and the threat of xoerxion against you for something that is, in most cases, presumed against you.

You have fallen guilty in the mind of the one using this facade to do you harm. And just because they wear a blue suit and the star of saturn you think its ok and even moral for them to do you harm.

Didn't pay your taxes? Pay up or else
Didnt stop at the red light? Pay up or else
Got stopped while parking? Failing to give credentials for a ceime you know you didnt do? Pay up or else.

But in the mind of the ignorant....

Cop: show me your papers
You: ok

Oh the agony of just thinking about how many people I have seen go to jail and all they had to do was not answer any questions and do not comply at all. And question everything. Record and certainly not open the soor for them. Lock it. Dont make hasty movements. Or else get shot. Dont stand too still or else youll get sjot too.
Dont get shot or else get shot again.

But.. regardles of their behavior and regardles of their evidence or lacj of, the cops are not government.

We say oh the government is here but in reality that is not what that means. Whats outside your door right now is fascism in holloween costumes in uniform. They call themselves "representatives" OF "government".

Understand that. And understand this too, "government" buildings are not "government" either. That is a fallacy too when people who dont know what they are talking about because they do not do their own research, and look at thkngs from the base line and up at how their illusionary wall was built in front them and around them. They only see what was given and speak what was only indoctrinated into their mind. Theae are the people that lack how to silent their mind too. They o ly hear themselves talking and hear nor obey to logic and reason.

Moving on.

Government buildings. These structures that we are told where "government" "is at", is not government. Its a building stupid. With lots of placs. The placs themselves are just that. Placs. There is no magic the makes it a government. Its just symbolism and their hidden definitions that dont mean too much. If it interest you go ahead and dive into it. But placs in the walls, the signias, the letters that says "government is here" does not make it more so. That isnt what government is.

Its not the judges, ita not the lawyers nor is it any congress men, or any political party or combenation of them all. It doesnt make them government.


Did you know "government" never shows up to court but expects you to? Only "representatives" OF "government" show up and you are forced to attend. Wheres the claiment at? (Claiment is the one making the claim, which is "government".)
But question it and you gets the paddle.

Tisk tisk "representatives" its every mans right to question everything being laid against them. It is every mans right to demand evidence. Especially the most important evidence.

What that is exactly??



So then what is government? and why is this so important about what a "NAME" is?

Lets look at a few perspectives from others.
And patience, we will get to that more and more. Im sire the community will have alot to share aswell what they know. You may also post your links in my comments. But dont spam. (Or else. Ok pumpkin?)

30 minute video from larken rose

Titled "Government is an illusion"

Go support his work by buying his books and gear at his website or at pinche amazon... (really think you should just go for the pdf format if you can find it for free. Its available both in spanish and in english as far as I know. I always avoid buying books. I thibk that stuff should be free and open up to donations or join an orgization of free library books.


free library


"Eric Williams What is Soveriegnty" is the title of this next video that may give you an insight to what government is not. Pay close attention folks.


And ill leave it at that for now. I can already feel the heat waves from the angry mobs aproaching.


Thank you for reading.

Some minor updates on my boring everyday life.

Seeing the doc about my back finaly. Xant wait to get this resolved. Definatly going to want to see xrays of it. Hope to get that done with too. I hate xrays. But its a neccesaity this time.

In other news my cat sophia nearly died by a cat fight.


Or a dog. But doesn't look that way. She wont stand still for me to do something about it. I have aloe vera mixed with natural royal honey prepared for her. Ill put it on after my meal.

I have to constantly eat due to lack of vitimans being able to stay within my system. I get dehydrated quickly too and end up dizzy. Lots of liquids.

But that is not what i am going over with the doc just yet.

Ill be on the sesrch to install internet too and be back on the pc finalmy and continue with the drafts i have saved that i cant do on here.

Thanks for sticking around.


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