What is a Free Market?

in anarchy •  last month 

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To put it bluntly, it's a market system where not one person or group private or public is in control of others.

Basically, no governance of set artificial prices, no use of force.


Pot smoker barters for cannabis at the open market. He buys or trades a valued property for something he wants and considers more valuable. If he didn't he wouldn't have bought or traded it.

The seller agrees with the trade because to the seller, what he or she receives is more valuable to her or him than the herb he sold.

It's a fair trade and both sides win. It's a win win scenario. Neither side gets punishment for their deeds.


Because a free market is not regulated by rule of force by any individual or group of individuals claiming the right to rule for market control under the false guise of "for the greater good of XYZ reason", who then they call the free market black market and open doors to criminal behavior where innocent people get hurt, because of the restrictions.

See the alcohol prohibition and the rise of Al Capone for instance. Or the rise of cartels because of the prohibition of cocaine and cannabis.

The reasons for these bodies to exist is not because the government cares for your health and safety. The underground drug business is tan by none other than the government themselves. The war against drugs is a facade, a mask covering the deep rooted control of a free market and have totalitarian governments. Something of which the slave plantation field called the country of USA is becoming.

They do this by controlling the market. Which is why they despise free markets because under a free market you get the total worth of what your selling or buying. Both sides win and there is no interest(theft) or taxes(extortion) on what you get or give.

The free market auto regulates itself and with no one to give value that they didn't work for, we will see reductions in governmental institutions trying to gain control.

Until the collective can understand that rule by force is wrong, anti human, anti life, evil and that they stop paying alms to the IRS, more of the same chaos will continue onward through time.

One of the main reasons this happens is due to the tolerance level of the collective against tyrannical behavior. Which is low in my opinion.

Being how the collective is a composite of individuals, and in these individuals of the collective if enough of them did not tolerate tyranny, then tyrants wouldn't be so plentiful as they are today.

The betterment of the whole depends on the betterment of the individual that make the whole. If the collective is attacking itself, clearly something is very wrong with a lot of individuals.

Be kind, be humble, keep growing. Trade freely even when tyrants don't want you to.



  • "The market for liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill" PG.18
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