Vague Questions #1 : "Do you hear things other people do not?"

in anarchy •  3 years ago  (edited)


I never once thought I would ever be asked questions for a psychological evaluation from a fake shrink until I was in prison. I knew then that I had to be very careful how I was going to answer these. I have been asked this before during school but it was implemented at a young age various times to everyone.

Hardly anyone batted an eye to the questions and didnt bother to question the questions. We were young after all. We thought it silly but of course, answered the questionnaire anyways. I do not remember anyones parents saying anything about their child going through psychological evaluation at school without their parents concent.

It was made handed to us on a random day and without previous notice. Thinking back now I find that really unfair and unjustified. They had no right to make us do it. We were all just told to just do it. That it was no big deal. Being an elementary kid, we were taught to obey the teachers, and thus we did.

Below I will go over one of these certain questions made to us at a young age and once again when I was in prison.



Welcome to my blog. Where we can talk about various subjects such as religion, mythology, philosophy, theology, and much more with an open mind. Anything and everything is up for debate. We are here to learn. So lets do our best to keep an open mind eh?

A Little About Me (Subject to further editing)

Judge my actions, my patterns, my behaviour responsive habits, But you shall never judge the real me.

So I shall leave 2 key points :

"I am the unborn and and undying I AM" -Unknown

"Search In between the calms of silence and you will find me" - Message from another realm

I don't remember ever being born. I chose this so called life we have in this fake universe, in this world that is only pretending to be there, to complete my duties, from a time before I had a face. My destiny and goals were predetermined. I was granted free will. Then I jumped into the light and was reborn into a trap for souls. Have I fallen? Was I tricked? Why would I make myself forget on purpose? To make this more fun?

Now I am "stuck" here for a while. On the path to self discovery. Making mistakes. Tumbling with the rest of the baboons that are my sisters and brothers, teachers and parents, devils and angels of this mediocre clown world.

There is nothing left but to laugh at what the world has become. Sure I feel all the ofher feelings too but that doesn't mean i feel sympathy for tyrants, narcissistic people taking pictures of themselves pretending the give a damn about any one else, with using tragic events to get more views for their plastic asses and ballon inflated cheeks and big beefy sausage lips.


I love to write poetry whem I am not socializing. (who am i kidding, ill be tending to my life and personal likes. why do you care anyways?)
I am the beat of the universe that is called foli.

And speaking of beats.


Thank god.

Here is another soul that got whiplashed by society but managed to turn it into her/his unique style of musical art.

Sopor Aeternus : In Der Palästra

Watch And Download The Above Vid On a Much Safer YewTu.Be

I really do not know much about Sopor. Actually. I do not know a damn thing. I was given this song a couple years ago, kept getting a recommendation to it. Were they trying to say I was being dramatic? Probably, my "friends" can be asholes but rather have that much of some mild mediocre company than these types of lunatics who yell at music.

The video in the link also shows how Hive works in real life. So what would you call someone who steals from the hat from the volunteers that gave rewards onto a street performers performance. How low do you got to be to hate music?

Only hating yourself, Since music IS in base form "Energy, Vibrations, Frequency, movement and rythym". Like that is what we are too. Do not molucles, atoms, light, fire, water, earth not do the same?

But that's material world plane stuff we are souls, oh shut the fuck up. Very stupid and naive to believe everyone has a soul and we should all care for their health. No. Natural Selection will wrinkled them out from our plane and recycled to start the same bullshit a few thousand years from now.

moving on and back to where I was getting at before I lost my trail of thought.

Stupid vague questions about your sanity

  1. Do you ever hear voices that other people do not?


yes? no?

What will happen for answering all of the ridiculous questions logically?

Since it is legal speak (legalese) it raises alot of flags.

Of course if asked while under the influence of threat of this 1st world braindead authoritarian leftists " officials", "gaurding your freedom", or when under a prison system by force regardless of whether it was fair or not, justifiable or not justifiable, you have to make a decision. It doesn't matter if you explain it to the "doctor", the doc is not a legelese expert either and neither are you (you don't have to be either but ..).

Just taking the path to understanding your true political status is a major step forward. To realize your soverignty and get to gno-w it. Then you can just do what you need to do. Are you going to answer yes? or no?

It's either answer the questions or get stuck in lockdown. Surely its not a scary thing. Strive on either way. Be strong about it.

Tell them hell yea i do. I am listening to you. or say no and stay silent. sign the damn papers and get your ass in general population faster, serve your time and separate the world in two different groups. the morons on one side and those that need to go fuck off on the other. Most likely your on the side telling everykne to fuck of with a goodmorning sorry got to go to library for 2 hours, or the gym, or the music class, recreation, or sit at your "home" listen to the tv on your radio, play chess with others, make meals, excercise, take a shower then wank off with discretion if noone is around, talk on the cellphone, or make some arts and crafts project while you listen to someone else on their cellphone bitchin and moaning like a school girl over a failing relationship.

Where was I again?

Remember when we talked about legalese briefly? Keep that in mind when asked questions or when you hear claims over these so called "officials".

What do they mean by voices? People?

What did they really mean about the entire phrase?

So you hear voices others?
No, but I hear music and it is beautiful.
and fucking annoying too. Well, looks like library time is over. got to head back to that other echo chamber where "home" is. Why are people running towards the direction i need to go? ah shit. Two cops stabbed to death for disrespectful behaviours. Best get the fuck out of here quick too. jump over the pool of blood and im home... good. Ah lockdown. No lunch tonight. good thing I stole 5kilos of cooked rice yesterday from the kitchen, but that aint going to last long for a two maybe more months of lockdown.

Good day folks. Im having flashbacks. Not from that life, but from the dreams I have been having.

Blurt a laugh or something.

Tell me what you think so we can mock our ideals together. That would be very rewarding, maybe.

How would you respond or react if someone asked you if you heard voices ehile the answer of this question determined whether you were crazy or not and or allowed to be with society?

Let me know aswell.

It's a pretty hectic world and gets even more hectic the longer we let our future generations lose their self to Netflix and videogames and fake vr worlds.

So filled with Nostalgia about the "avatar" world too.

Hey "conspiracy nuts", try using this photo if you don't want to use your personal foto for blurts 3rd party service for the creation of the avatar.

Reverse image source gave me
two locations.

very similar to homer but its not cartoony enough. My money is on number two.

I sure do steer off huh?

So what is there to understand over this question?

not much. Its just a question. But a key factor is, how are they foimg to interpretate your answer and how are they going to reapond after the entire questionair. An insane race of people deciding if you are sane enough.

Of course I am not. I want the poles to switch. I want the world to undergo its dramatic change and hopefully it will weed out more of the the idiots of this world than those who can offer a valuable service to our continued survival and growth.

God forbid if we had the opposite happen.
Another world of pathetic politicians running shots.



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