They who boss you around....

in anarchy •  last year 

They say "can't" but we know that they won't even if they could. Simply for the fact that the evidence does not exist. What we are trying to say here is that they can can not do something that is impossible to do.

How could they provide legitimate evidence that grants them the moral right to apply the laws onto me?

After all it is your life that is at stake here. All we want is the cheese burger. Imagine being told how to eat under a tyrant?

Naturally you could just tell the cheff to fuck off "I'll eat my rocks however I want to" It's a shame people lack the courage to stand up for themselves.

Digressing a little

So we have actual testimony from attorneys, irs agents, judges, lawyers, and other revenue collectors, that they cannot provide evidence that the constitution applies to you. They give instead statutes, laws and codes. It is these very things that is based on the constitution and the constitution is under question. The foundation of the constitution for it to apply to us, is called jurisdiction. That document, without evidence to support that the laws apply, is therefore illegitimate. The oppression and denial of these facts is evil at work. For to command and push us around and steal our property, then throw us in a cage for bullshit reason x,y,z.

They lie to fuck you up. What does that tell you what type of people these are? Why bother voting for enslavement? Is that the most bravest thing you can do? Hide behind a curtain Mr.Oz? Ruling over the meek with a push of a button?

Truth must be in the eye within the abyss staring back at us. Don't blink when it does.

They put this symbol on their uni|form~s but know not what it means.




None ofnus have the right to rule over others so don't kid yourself that kings got it through some strange magic alchemy ritual. It's just not happening. They have their armies but that is only because the soldiers that believe in it, have been brainwashed for the purpose to protect the affairs of their masters. Nothing more. The evidence they have is no more existent than a made up viruz.

In fact it could just be much less! That's right. Think about it if you can't rap your head around it still.

If I have no apples in my hand and threaten you and boss you around and beat you up if you say none, how many apples do I have?


Fair enough
Very good.

Now cough up the money.
Thank you and see you next time.


That is not ok.


Work harder for less every coming year. Got yourself into a pickle? No problem. Get a loan from the bank. Pay it back later.

"Don't let it be you that can't pay it back though. Or else. Deal?"- The bright red elephant pointing a gun at you in the room

The next generation could pay it back for you. Just sign them over at birth to the state via birth certificate. They'll just charge them with some crime to pay your loan dues when they reach the age. Everything is "illegal" anyways.

It's immoral. And it gets what it deserves for following through obeying them. Less and less freedom.

Pay your taxes fools.(sarc)

Let us grow our gardens instead.

The winter is almost over no?

How are your chicken coops holding up? What's the secret here? What should I watch out for?

What about your tomatoes? What soil and compost are you using? Make your own?

Where can I get some black amazonian fertilizer!?

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