The need to grow your own food just increases.

in anarchy •  2 years ago 


Watch Video On Bastyon

Be aware of where you get your food. Their poisoning our food supply. Well more. As if the GMO's and Monsanto wasn't bad enough, their going to spike your food with poison. This is the Eugenics agenda. This is agenda 2020 that we have been warning you about for over three decades! Now inn action. To kill us off by means of sterilization early on in life through vaccines. To put into a fashion trend homosexuality and subject your children to the "woke" CULT|uarentertaining in the fraudulent "government" indoctrination centers public schools that you, yourselves send them off too regardless of the obvious facts that they are systematically making them into decepticons.

By this I mean brainwashing them into a fake reality, or better yet, a reality where they are more obediant and willing to follow along the saturnic world THEY promote onto us worldwide.

David Icke Illustrated this world that has been pulled over eyes as the matrix that was described in the movie. We are living under the influence of a powerful frequency band of information that is keeping humanity in a constant state of dreaming.

While they are blindly walking about semi-wake in this world, just sufficient enough to function in the industrialized world, but on "their" terms. These are the dead that many holy scriptures warns us about. The sheeple now turning labrats. This plauge of unconsciousness has got to be stopped and that can be done by spitting out the truth with great intent to be open hearted and mindful as we do it.

The CDC is trying to make pedophilia a norm amongst children. They want them to just put up with it. They are sexualing our children. No this is not normal and no this is not going to be looked over as some "stage" that children just so happens to go through in life. As if its just one of those rebellious fases. Pay attention folks.

They are using these terms as shown in the video below by Jordan Peterson, as a means of word trickery to con their way into the minds of children and pervert their innocence.

Thank you @squirrelbait for sharing this.

Click the picture to see the post

Protect your children. Arm the public. Grow your food. Become not dependent on the grid. Each step you take towards being free will be met with many types of forces to stop you. You need to gain escape velocity so when they do come to threaten us to shut off everything, it will jist be empty threats to us all. For we shall be prepared or just getting there. Help your neighbors get there if you are already there. Keep the momentum going.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Genetic manipulation is not so science fiction now is it?

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