The Name Game part 2

in anarchy •  3 years ago 

Do citizens have rights?


You have been warned.


Did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Hello and welcome back to this beautiful insane asylum for the mentally diseased cult bred looney-ticks we call Earth. You wake up and you are gifted to breathe in those amazing different metals in the air from the overnight chemtrails spraying over your home. Mmmm yeaaa.

Be happy everyone.

At least we now can blame Joe Rogan now for all the misfortunes of having to deal with the constant threat of being told how to live our lives or else having to face dire consequences from the "G.O.V.E.R.N.M.E.N.T.".

Joe Rogan pointing out the flaws of "gods" doing is a danger to the mob ruling statists have grown so accustomed to. What about their rights to having a psychological boot over their faces their whole life?

Damn you Rogan. How dare you go against the mainstream media and pointing out the lies. They lie to us for our protection. We need them to lie to us all so that we can live a life in blissful ignorance and in a delusional state of mind of being "free" from these radical truth seekers taking away our false sense of security by telling the truth


Seriously, Welcome back to another one of my so called quack posts. Today I will be covering slightly a subject that is extensively comprehensive for most of those who still believe in "rule by might is right" to understand. That subject is the power to tax a free people.


I have begun this with using the CON|stitution of/for the u/United s/States of Anerica and the "rat-poison" literature embedded within for two reasons:

  1. It shows how ludicrous "it" is and
  2. This CONtract recognizes a certain truth (probably done so by mistake) about who are the slaves and who are not.

I am using the US CONstitution as one of many prime examples that die hard statists love to revert to for "credibility" on the claims that taxes apply to everyone in the world and that everyone born within a country is somehow a "citizen".

None of which is true at all and this is something that has been debunked times by anyone capable of rational thinking.

So let's get started.

There has to be at the least some emotional intelligence that slavery is ethically and morally wrong. We feel it when there is bullying. We may not have understood the details of our feelings then but now that we are here, we can start to pick off the stakes laid into our flesh and climb down from the sacrificial cross imposed upon us.


It states in the 14th Amendment that anyone

naturalized(meaning born) in the "United States"

ok wait.

Let's stop and analyze this for a second.

Remember that this is LEGAL SPEAK. NOT ENGLISH.

When it this CONtract was created, the "united states" was not even in existence at that time. Except on paper. To be fair, it still is that way. If you can differentiate between the landscape and the CORPorate fiction that is.

What do I mean?

United States is a very misunderstood term. One side of the coin its a CORPoration AND on the other side its the land that the common people refer.

Two very different meanings depending if it is being said with legal speak or common man knowledge.

The term "person" is also misleading to the common man because they consider themselves a "person" as it is written within this devilish legal parchment paper unaware of the legalese veing used.

A glancing look into blacklaws dictionary can show you just how many different types of "person" meanings there are under the legal language. I hate to say this, but when it says "person" or "people", it is not referring to you at all but to a few select set of individuals ie the ones who wrote it, signed it and enforce it.

In today's world however, to the rich elite evil anarchist, the constitution is a tool for the masses who are unaware of the falsehood ideologies that come with believing in the constitution like some sort of bible. It serves as also as a means to distract people from the reality of their own sovereignty if they so wish to harness and keep it, because as a "citizen", they don't got shit!

Take into consideration the phrasing laid within the 14th Amendment

AND subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

Under the jurisdiction of who!? or what?

It is clearly evident here that in order to be a "citizen" is completely voluntary. It doesn't specify that you are a citizen once born, but it is something that one can volunteer to do so. Or worse,... someone volunteers YOU without your consent or even having to understand it by someone like your parents aiding in the creation of the frivolous birth certificate!

Here an old video for those who are just starting into this journey of self discovery.


Think of these questions

What is a name?
Where does it come from?
How does one get a name?

They can be answered in various ways depending on where perspectives lay at.

One note we can say a name is nothing more than a label.

As for the state it is applied as a sad attempt in identifying of a natural born human being and by force, threat and coercion when every deemed necessary. Of course those who paid attention in the fraudulent "government" institutions growing up, are going to be the ones that most likely just accept whatever "it" desides to call him/her.

A word is comprised of letters. Each letter has a certain frequency when sounded out. Sound, energy and geometry are very well connected among other things such as color, moods, etc.

Sound is used to perform hypnosis and can be done even with only certain voice patterns and tones by a trained apprentice or master in the arts of hypnosis. Did you know that your television works in that same frequency band?


I WONDER what rats do when they eat rat-poison. Equivalent as to what has been spoon fed into our brains by these indoctrination centers.

You need to understand yhat you don't understand legalese. Never use it. Accepting their language will be taken as a informed consent that you admit they have power over you. All they ever need from you is your obedience to comply the "government". And once you are in, all they need you to do is to continue using the name that you do not own.



When we are born you, or better said, when a child is born or maybe before that a name is thought up. This name is that. A thought. Untill then your will meets your mouth and you say the name. Your throught spews put air and plucks the vocal chords that are now vibrant with sound. It exits the mouth. Symbols or letters are used to represent each letter sound. They are written. Once written it is now physical. And the creator is now the owner of that name or dead property and may be done with as however the creator wishes to do with. During a birth semenar, records are jotted down and they are applied to be in unison with the name chosen for the child.

Since the child is unable to provide an forms of communication that we can understand, we need something to refer to him/her with for the time being. hence the names.

We call them by the name given to them repeatedly throughout their life and also lying to them that it is theirs. It's not though once you think about it. Even if your "belief" that it is, is so strong, it will continue to be nothing more than an indoctrinated tool to handle you with.

The name game is rat poison just as the legalese language is. So use proper protection and wash your hands well and practice safe habits to prevent any consumption from the untrained user. Remember to keep away from children.

The state shall not deprive any person of liberty, etc.

No mention of citizens here.
Does that tell you something? Do citizens have this immunity? You still want to hold on to your citizenship status or do want to reclaim your sovereignty?

Oh and if you think that in order to claim your sovereignty is b means of silly paperwork with the fictional character Santa Claus that you call government then think again. There is no paperwork to fill out. Just get to know thy self and make the necessary changes in your life towards peaceful disobedience from the war mongering fascist "authorities".


Thank you for stopping by.
I'll be back in a different post to further dive deeper into the tax topic. Some key things to cover will be who has to pay taxes and why, how are taxes issued out and how are they implemented.








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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hah! I just wrote about autonomous algorithms - strikes me humanity's algorithms are a perfect example of how they can go disastrously wrong. The part that needs fixing is the prevalent belief in believing as a valid mode of thinking.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wll definitely check it out. I thought I was already following you. Your posts pops up on "my feed" without any reblogs. Well, I wont miss out any more of your posts now. Yours are fun to read.


What bothers me the most and not to offend anyone purposely but it has to be risked in order to get to the truth of things, is when I get asked if I believe in god. I dont know how to answer that. What is anoyying about it, despite my answering them (in majority), they seem to not care about the answer at all because the conversation turns into some type of time share advert wanting me to join their church through manipulative means (the fake question).

I really hate to slam the doors on them.

I kept getting visits from various religions to be asked to join their cause until one day I put up a picture of bathomet on my front door for a month.

What once was a frequent visit of fake smiles, Now I get no visits. But I get strange looks still as I roll through on my bicycle every now and then. I cant help but to laugh now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You'll get the same effect with an image of Buddha :-) possibly any Eastern "divinity".
I had a strange feeling as a young kid that everyone in church was insane - I don't think that's ever really left me. Doubled with which I had transcendental experiences that showed me a rather different reality. Now I can just articulate it all more eloquently - I hope. And, I have to say, some 50 years later, my conclusions are grimmer than even 20 years ago.

What is more important is your own path and experiences - and to push those to their limits too ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I used to be an alter boy for a few years. I didnt want to at first becauseI felt peer pressured into it. I grew into it because it made me feel useful for a change. O felt I was helping a community. I did not really believe in the literal story in the bibles, I still don't. Its nothing more than good stories with moral lessons and on another point it's an solar mythology story. Esotericism is a concept I am still getting into and making more sense to me along side the astronomical point.

I did the alterboy thing. I did that work even though it was very boring to hear the lectures. At the time I was doing it, there were very few volunteers. Up until there were so many, I felt my usefulness had been used up so I quit doing that.

I did not really attend mass time. I tended to sneak out and hang out nearby at the tree lines or near the lake that was past the woods.

Im a very observant person, and I too thought "most of these people are only here for the image of being good rather than acting good" because outside of church. I knew most of the people and it was like most of them also would deliberately try to be the exact opposite of what the chirch was trying to teach. So it came to me as most people who attend church are die hard hypocrites with double lives. That eas insanity to me. like why bother even coming in here? To corrupt the church?

I follow no "religion" now. I don't claim to believe in god but neither do I claim that one doesn't exist. I have my experiences and observations and thats that. Im an an angel and a demon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol. had almost forgotten; I too was press-ganged into being an altarboy, as nobody wanted to do it. To make it even more meaningless, I think the mass was in Latin, or Polish, neither of which I understood. Didn't last long.

And yes, the stark hypocrisy of most parishioners - that still didn't answer, "What are they doing?"

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My profile picture used to be around my neck untill it got ripped off by one of these religious nuts. called me a satanist etc i shant bother with the details, but it was the star that set them off. said it was evil.

what probably pissed her off was when I said it was a symbol of what we are and she went on the offensive and yanked my chain saying that she is not a Satanic follower. I never claimed she was, but was her actions "christian"? hardly.

Ignorance at best.

I stay away from the religious people. They have proven to be more violent than the atheist or agnostic. Hell even some satanists I have actually gotten to know have been more humble and curtious than these most of these types.

Still will slam the door at the next one that knocks talking about their religion. Including the cult of statism. Which they seem to not care either. I have had over 9 visits from officers since I moved here asking for info on myself and family members. I always tell them nothing and give them false information so they pester off my property.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi Gerardo, thank you very much for the support and for the 50Blurt on my wallet, I really appreciate it!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The honor is mine. I am pleased to help.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Countries are not countries , there are businesses and yes we are numbers .
But since we are in the Saturnian cube ( carbon ) it is not a fractal we can escape
There is a cycle going on , a dark cycle and it transforms us .
it is ending , you must not focused on negativity because it feeds the feeling of justice and justice serves the ego . It is a trap , a jail in a jail .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are right. Although I find it necessary to point put the negative aspects of actions made by a system built on a foundation of pure utter failur. Which is run by people that either still believe in ignorantly, or know its all scam and use it to their advantage to survive whether it be classy or not and by the kind that invest in it for further control and power etc. We should do our best to not let it effect our best rational judgements.

On all walks of life, We will face a vast desert and a narrow path that crosses the desert and into the stars above. Be it on a fourwheeler with a pu ctured tire or by foot, there is beauty just on the other side of the desert mountains horizon as the sun settles.

Cheers and thank you for stopping by.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support of your vote in my post plus the 50 blurt in my wallet... I'm from Venezuela, greetings...

Thanks to this platform that helped me to cover the expenses of my daughter, being a single mother is not an easy path.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Its my pleasure to help put when I can. I can relate too. Single father, albeit my parents and my ex wife take care of them because wrre not in the same country, Platforms such as these have helped me pay for the wellbeing of all my pets and stray dogs and cats lurking around here.

Currently residing in the desert 🏜️ of Chihuahua Mexico. It is very cold this time of year lol.

Stay persistent and this platform may even buy you a new house, car, or help you dtart your very own business.

peace and love