You Can't Take It With You (1938)

in anarchy •  2 months ago 

by @classx on ClassX
View my bio on You Can't Take It With You (1938)

Rated: PG
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Stars: Jean Arthur, James Stewart, Lionel Barrymore

The son of a snobbish Wall Street banker becomes engaged to a woman from a good-natured but decidedly eccentric family not realizing that his father is trying to force her family from their home for a real estate development.

Stenographer Alice Sycamore is in love with her boss Tony Kirby, who is the vice-president of the powerful company owned by his greedy father Anthony P. Kirby. Kirby Sr. is dealing a monopoly in the trade of weapons, and needs to buy one last house in a 12-block area owned by Alice's grandfather, Martin Vanderhof. However, Martin is the patriarch of an anarchic and eccentric family where the members do not care for money but for having fun and making friends. When Tony proposes to Alice, she states that it would be mandatory to introduce her simple and lunatic family to the snobbish Kirbys, and Tony decides to visit Alice with his parents one day before the scheduled get-together. There is an inevitable clash of classes and lifestyles: the Kirbys spurn the Sycamores and Alice breaks with Tony, changing the lives of the Kirby family. — Claudio Carvalho

Director: Frank Capra
Writers: Robert Riskin, George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart
Production company: Columbia Pictures
More info on IMDb:

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