RE: What we think is not important

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What we think is not important

in anarchy •  2 years ago 

What about a planet where all the necessary work is done either by People who LOVE the work or robots? Where One does not HAVE to add energy to survive, and richly, but... Ones who do nothing, couch-potatoing all day long, earn no positive currency - no love, thanks, appreciation, respect, admiration, fame, lauds, love, reputation, and other such positive social currencies - and may even earn negative social currencies: disdain, disgust, avoidance, and so on?

Because I ponder the fact that about 80% of the "jobs" on Our planet now overall merely move the wealth upwards to the psychopaths in control. If all such jobs (cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising, marketing, casinos, Wall Street, and banking) were removed... What would all those People do to "make a living?"

I would rather have a society with no energy input expectations so as to survive which is slavery, no "money," but with a Betterment Ethic instead of the slave's creed, the work "ethic." (ALL money systems WILL promote psychopaths to power...)

Not sure I offered this before, but this is My response to One who said that the reason I was against money was because I had a "victim" mentality:
Not a Victim.PNG

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but this is My response to One who said that the reason I was against money was because I had a "victim" mentality:

Wow. We seem to he on the same page here. Since I was a child I have wanted to have a world where everything was free. Seeing how much my parents struggled to meet our needs, while living in a world where there is no more scarcity. Many couldn't even grasp that fact. There is no scarcity anymore. We have the tech to distribute world wide today and end world hunger. But the tyrants and the gullible obeying humans, prevent the access and THAT is what is causing "scarcity".

We could fit the entire planets population in texas alone, that leaves a huve amount of terrain for agriculture. We can float our cities over the earth. The question is not whether we have the currency to do it but whether or not we have the resources.

What do you opine with Jaque Fresco's Venus Project?

What would all those People do to "make a living?"

Become Jack the scratcher probably if they don't want to suffer and move towards a new system that is more beneficial for survival as a whole. Most would immediately interprete that as chaotic and war promoting ideal. Never would I ever want to be that sort. Nor is any of my idea promotings are to cause such a thing. I oppose all ruling class as being legitimate and moral.

Posted from

Indeed, every One of Us could have 1/4 acre (enough land to live on if it's good land) in Australia and there'd still be some of Australia left over, and Australia is 4% of land mass not even counting Antarctica. And indeed, We throw out enough spoiled food (because it didn't sell) to feed 125% of Us.

I'm a bit leery of Fresco's work. Years ago, I approached TVP with My ideas - got to some guy who worked directly with Jacque who told Me the plan was to relegate decisions of Humans to preference - this color or that, this flavor or that - and AI would do all the "important" choosing. I was aghast!

And if 80% of Us had to work to survive but the "jobs" were gone... Not sure all those Jacks would survive. Unless We let abundance flow and not expect anyOne to necessarily add Their energy.

Nice to know anOther that can see what I do!