Anarchism: Critiquing Hierarchies and Advocating for Statelessness

in anarchism •  8 months ago 

Anarchism: No Bosses, Just Friends!

Anarchism is like when everyone gets to be friends and there are no big bosses telling us what to do. Let's talk about it in super easy words!


No More Big Bosses!

So, anarchism is about saying bye-bye to big bosses and everyone being equal. No one gets to be the big boss, and we all decide things together!


Critiquing Hierarchies

Anarchism doesn't like hierarchies, which are like when some people are more important than others. Everyone should be important and make decisions together, like one big happy team!


Being Stateless is Fun!

Anarchism also doesn't want a big government telling us what to do. It's like living in a world where we make our own rules and have lots of freedom to be ourselves!


We're All Friends in Anarchism

In anarchism, we're all friends, and we work together to make things awesome without any big bosses or strict rules. Yay for friendship and freedom!


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