Act of love

in an •  3 years ago 

Facebook reminded me that it's exactly one year I witnessed this thing of beauty, and everyone deserves this. I sincerely want nothing less than this.

I want nothing less than what I saw a year today.

At Assumpta Cathedral in Owerri, an 81 years old man and his wife, after the Corpus Christi celebration, unknowingly treated our eyes to what good loving should be.

"Mummy nyem akpa gi(Mummy give me your bag)" he said, noticing how tired the wife was.

"Baby don't worry," she replied, while smiling.

I thought I was the only one observing, until I saw their neighbor gently calling the attention of others with a hushed monotone: " See Romeo and Juliet."

"But I told you I would go to hell and come back for you," the man continued, having insisted on collecting the wife's bag.

"Baby but Ike agwukwala ginwa(but you're also tired)" she posited.

"Mummy it doesn't matter."

"Honeym, it matters. Ike gwugi, gbalia nyekwam akpam(if you're tired, try and give me my bag)"

"M nwugodi na ya(Even if I die because of this)" the man posited, insisting on holding it.

"No you won't die babym. Kedi onye muna ya ga ano?(Who will I stay with?)"

At this moment, the old man kissed her on the forehead and said this: "I love you."

She wrapped her right arm around his waist as they moved gently.

Their neighbor shouted "Romeo na Juliet o!"

We were clapping, and the woman became shy.

Their neighbor is in his 50s, and had to furnish the little number of observers with some pieces of info on the couple. It became obvious that their public display of affection has been legendary in their street.

I and a family friend offered to drop them at Douglas, for they were wonderful to behold.

They also reminded me of my parents.

Honestly; I want love to be like this, even when I'm old.


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