We Are Alive! May 16th, 2022 Our Street Is a River

in alive •  2 years ago 


We are alive today! There was a lot of rain early this morning and we woke up to a flooded street. It was like we suddenly had riverside property! This street has been flooding since I was a little child, so this has been a problem (literally) for decades. There's photos of me and my sisters playing in this flooded street back in the 1980's!


This time, we tried putting small cones across the road to advise drivers to go around this spot in the neighborhood - so far NOBODY has payed any attention to them. They just go around the cones and SPLASH their way through the giant puddle.


One of my little ones enjoyed her first time wading in the water. She thought it was the best thing ever!

We just watched a school bus drive right over one of the cones... with our family watching in full view. How disrespectful.



Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of six wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Reading through your post reminds me of my childhood experience. I also grew in a neighbourhood where we all abhored the rainy 🌧 seasons because the street was always flooded. Surprisingly, like your experience, till date nothing has been done about it. Even though I am no longer home, but my siblings leave there with my Dad. I hope to savage the situation some day, with God on my side. Cheers and warm regards to your family.