Lately, there have been a number of news stories in the mainstream media regarding UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), also referred to as UAPs (Unidentified Anomolous Phenomena or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). These sightings have triggered an epidemic of alien hysteria throughout the United States of America. Below I have assembled together a list of Jason B Truth's articles that fall within that same category, and herein I provide you with a portal to those same articles.
To get to any of those articles, all you have to do is click on the title of any of them below as I have linked each and every one of them to their pertinent article. Keep in mind that as Jason B Truth continues to publish articles of this nature on the HubPages writing platform and its vertical sites, I will add the titles of any new articles in that respect to this same list and link them to their actual articles. Here is the list of such articles:
Our Discovery Of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Could Become Troubling
The Existence of Parallel Dimensions and Universes Is Highly Probable
Even UFO Skeptics Like Me Can't Explain Some Sightings
The James Webb Space Telescope Launching Was Timed Suspiciously
Stop Believing in Extraterrestrials—UFO Encounters Prove Nothing
Aliens? Extraterrestrials? I Need Proof and Cold, Hard Facts!
Alien Abductions? Don't Believe Everything You Hear and Read
An Airplane's Disappearance? Aliens Are Not to Blame
Australia Is Not a Playground for Alien Hysteria
Time Travel Could Be Dangerously Enigmatic
Flying Saucer Stories Won't Convince Me That Aliens Are Here
Aliens? Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence
Unsupported claims of alien abductions and the likes don't impress me. I rely on the facts and science to find out the truth about matters of this nature. Keep checking back on this same list as it grows with new articles. I'm the Devil's Advocate In A Ski Mask reporting to you.😊
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