Picked up a little AKT a few days ago

in akt •  4 years ago 

It's a funny coincidence - I've been thinking of diversifying into some kind of decentralised cloud storage coin, and low and behold this post about AKT by the most excellent @JK6276 pops up in my feed!

I'll let you read his post explaining the basics of it, he does a much better job of outlining a use case for a coin that I could ever do.

It's another coin you can stake and earn rewards on, which I like, and the two lines which really caught my attention were:

  • 'Think AWS, but decentralised', and
  • If this captures only 1% of the cloud storage market, they could be paying out $20 a token per year.

AKT - Currently only available on minor exchanges

I also like the fact that's it's only available on minor exchanges - in fact I had to open up another exchange account with Bitmax to buy some. (NB yes that's a referral link).

So we also have the potential for hysterical buying to kick in if it ever gets listed on a larger exchange.

I picked up around 150 of them at around $1.80, and it's already at $2.05. I had some EU kicking around on Kraken I'd forgotten about so I just used some of that, quite handy!

This is my third alt purchase from a LEO recommendation - after RUNE and AVA.

I'm clearly not the only one buying into this....

Screenshot 20210205 at 18.35.08.png

I guess my next task is to stake them!

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