in africa •  2 years ago 

Short story, so there I was sitting in my room minding my business reading a novel when I heard a nock on my door.. and my friends voice from the other end " open the door jor" .. which I obeyed, she came inside and sat on the bed.." I need your advice" she said.. " about?" I responded... and she narrated," I went through my boyfriend's chats and I saw messages that suggest that he is cheating on me , I went to ask him about it and he slapped me, I still love him, what should I do?.... With a big sigh I replied "firstly it is wrong to go through your boyfriend's chats because you're not married yet and that's invasion of privacy.. secondly, you shouldn't endure an abusive relationship in the name of love... so I think you should leave him"...she flared up in anger..." How dare you ask me to break up with my boyfriend, you're a terrible Friday..I can't believe you said that"... She got up in anger and left, and ever since she hasn't spoken a word to me .

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