Zip-lining & tree climbing: a tale of caution?

in adventure •  2 years ago 

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We did a load of different things this holiday period, most of which were exclusively for the children who can only take so much each week hanging around at home with the cats.


Little people need variety!


So we tried walking around our local reservoir.


We tried metal works.


We even tried a beach in Spain!


But one of our most enjoyable days was spent at a local 'tree park' where you can do a huge course of zip-lines and bridges, all of it over-looking a great river.


Safety was paramount of course and we spent the first ten mins getting briefed and set up for the day.


These harnesses are impossible to slip out of.


Luna had a different course to Esteban due to her height.


It was all a bit complicated to work out at first.


But eventually she figured it out.


And we're off...


We were attached to two safety harnesses with a clever system which meant both of them could not be removed from the wire simultaneously, leaving one of them always attached.


Only in this way have they had zero accidents here with people falling out of the trees.

Which was good to know for Esteban & I as we set off towards the adult course!


The outset of the course wasn't too difficult with various different walkways between the trees.


Felt like another world up there!


Eventually we were able to use our zip-line attachment.


Which was much more exhilarating!


Even better when you are going between the trees.


Not gonna lie, it was slow going moving around the trees with our safety harnesses and at times we had to queue while the slower people in front did their thing. I couldn't help but notice that when some of these slow people became completely stuck at various points, the park helpers were permitted to run up the trees like monkeys without any safety attachments. So why can't we run around like monkeys too? Humans have almost identical anatomies to monkeys, yet somehow our greater capacity for thought makes us incapable of realising what our bodies are actually capable of!

Anyway, really enjoyed this converted wake board.


Tree surfing!


By the end of the course Esteban was swift and fearless moving around.


With no problem setting up his equipment each time.


All in all it was a joy to watch.

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And we will definitely be doing this again next year!


When Luna is a bit taller.


The entrance fee covers the whole day so we will bring a picnic and eat it by the river, taking our time there in order to complete the course multiple times.

To adventure and beyond!


Health & safety

Before I sign out of this one I want to focus on the growing problem known as health & safety. While I do recognise how the safety precautions at this tree park were probably necessary for the average person alive today, I don't think they should be mandatory for everyone.

Humans are much more capable than people seem to remember! And we have been climbing trees longer than we have been living in houses.

There was a time, not all that long ago, when adults had very little concern for the health and safety of children in playgrounds.


Did an incredible number of children die or incur serious injury during this period?


Of course they didn't! They just learned how to not fall down.


All images from this article on 1970s playgrounds

And so, in conclusion I want to say that if we live our lives always with a safety net, we will be sorely unprepared for the moment when there is no net available.

Does a monkey learn to leap between trees by focusing on what might happen if he falls?

No my friends. Fear is created in our minds and modern life does a great job at reminding us to be afraid at every turn.

So look to your great past and remember who you really are!

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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I tell ya, your kids are going to have so many wonderful memories of their childhood. You two are awesome parents.

Plus they have websites like this one through which they will always be able to access a whole bunch of photos & my thoughts on life! Hopefully this will be interesting for them one day.

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I'm so glad you had your little rant about health and safety, I totally agree with you on all that. It did look like a lot of fun but obviously a bit of a damper with the regs which TBH are not therefor you at all they are there for the company so they can't be blamed for any accidents and be sued.
As you say we are not ALL children who need to be bubblewrapped.

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