Facing Uncertainty: Affirmations for Trusting the Journey

in adventure •  10 months ago 

Trusting the Journey: Yay for Uncertainty!

Uncertainty is like a big, mysterious adventure! Let's talk about it and feel super brave together!


The Wonder of Not Knowing

Not knowing stuff can be scary, but it's also like a super cool surprise waiting to happen! Let's be excited about the unknown!


Trusty Trust Trust

Trust is like having a magical friend who tells you, "It's all going to be okay!" Let's trust the journey and giggle at the twists and turns!


Happy Affirmations

Repeat after me: "I am brave! I am strong! The journey is my friend!" Saying these affirmations makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside!


Dancing Through Doubts

When doubts try to rain on our parade, let's put on our invisible dancing shoes and dance through them! Woo-hoo! We got this!


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