Avent of Code - Day 08 - Treetop Tree House

in adventofcode •  2 years ago 

Advent of Code occurs at Dec 01 to 25 where each day, you will need to solve a puzzle. It is Festival and the problem statement is mostly related to Christmas.

Day 08 - Treetop Tree House




import sys

file1 = open(sys.argv[1], "r")

data = []

while True:
        line = file1.readline().strip()
        if not line:

# print(data)
rows = len(data)
cols = len(data[0])

ans = 0

def vis(r, c):
        global rows, cols, data
        x = data[r][c]
        rr = r - 1
        while rr >= 0 and data[rr][c] < x:
                rr -= 1
        if rr < 0:
                return True
        rr = r + 1
        while rr < rows and data[rr][c] < x:
                rr += 1
        if rr == rows:
                return True
        cc = c - 1
        while cc >= 0 and data[r][cc] < x:
                cc -= 1
        if cc < 0:
                return True
        cc = c + 1
        while cc < cols and data[r][cc] < x:
                cc += 1
        if cc == cols:
                return True
        return False

for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
                if r == 0 or c == 0 or r == rows - 1 or c == cols - 1 or vis(r, c):
                        ans += 1


import sys

file1 = open(sys.argv[1], "r")

data = []

while True:
        line = file1.readline().strip()
        if not line:

# print(data)
rows = len(data)
cols = len(data[0])

ans = 0

def compute_score(r, c):
        global rows, cols, data
        x = data[r][c]
        score = 1
        rr = r - 1
        while rr >= 0 and data[rr][c] < x:
                rr -= 1
        if rr < 0:
                rr = 0
        score *= (r - rr)
        rr = r + 1
        while rr < rows and data[rr][c] < x:
                rr += 1
        if rr == rows:
                rr = rows - 1
        score *= (rr - r)
        cc = c - 1
        while cc >= 0 and data[r][cc] < x:
                cc -= 1
        if cc < 0:
                cc = 0
        score *= (c - cc)
        cc = c + 1
        while cc < cols and data[r][cc] < x:
                cc += 1
        if cc == cols:
                cc = cols - 1
        score *= (cc - c)
        return score

for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
                if not (r == 0 or c == 0 or r == rows - 1 or c == cols - 1):
                        ans = max(ans, compute_score(r, c))

Easy to parse input. Problem easy to understand. However, took me a while to figure out the errors in counting the trees!

Steem to the Moon!

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