The Ad Experiment. Sometimes we need to just “Blurt” stuff out.

in ads •  3 years ago  (edited)


I see some comments from people Blurting out just how much they hate Ads.

That’s good.

That is what Blurt is all about. Blurt, Blurt, Blurt out whatever is on your mind. That’s how we learn stuff. We can’t be afraid to just Blurt stuff out. Yes, maybe these Ads should have been tried on an experimental Blurt.temp Front End.

Maybe the Ad code messed stuff up for posting, commenting, editing posts on But it’s a line of code that can be added or subtracted. Lots of Options.

It’s an Experiment.

Sometimes Ads work. Small, contextual, content related Ads. But if that is not what happens they can be turned off.

It’s an Experiment.

I’m not doing the Code for (I’m just a blogger) but I have placed Ads on my Blogger blogs as an Experiment. Sometimes they work, Sometimes they don’t. It’s a line of Code that can be turned off.

If Blurt can create One Front End with Ads, earn a few thousand dollars a month to buy Blurt from exchanges, burn Blurt, pay for better image servers …then why not ?

We have 3 or 4 front ends now. Eventually, maybe, possibly … only one will have Ads.

Let’s create many Blurt Front Ends


Etc. Etc. Etc.

Do experiments. Learn stuff….

It’s only through Experiments and Failed experiments that we learn stuff.

Maybe we just do Ads on Blurt.blogpot pages ?


That’s what I’m doing…. $100 per month already.

Keep calm and Blog on…





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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There were issues with some other code creating error not the ads. It was just it got changed while the ads code was deployed .

I am not able to keep up with updates, but i may after some time

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome. Thanks for the update and all the work you guys are doing behind the scenes.

Great idea. I'm very hard to think of ideas to write, this is probably the best solution by getting out whatever I think. I will try! Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How about we only experiment with Ads on External Web sites like Blogger ??


Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It will be difficult to apply because who would want to use the front end with ads ?
A front end with bugs and issues ?
The mind takes the easy way .

Posted from

tbh I wouldn't care I seem to be in the minority

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me too… so I’m just going to create a bunch of BlurtLove blogs on, Wordpress and Tumblr where I can place my own Adsense Ads. I’ll take that fiat and buy my own Blurt, Bitcoin, Litecoin etc etc…


I actually prefer ads to ppl being able to pay their way to the top of trending

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah. I’ll just create a few hundred blogs and post my own Ads there.

I’m happy earning fiat to buy Bitcoin and Blurt.


I see the upside of integrating some ads on Blurt. It will bring new eyes from outside while helping BLURT by using revenues to develop, onboard and reward BLURT holders.

I don't think you get how this works. The only eyes seeing the ads will be eyes that are already here. And this is sure to make those eyes dwindle as folks flee to a functional site that isn't breaking because of them and where we aren't being tracked and monetized.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How about we just show Ads on External sites like this one …. Https://

Posted from

You have your opinion & I have mine. Thanks for sharing. FYI, there is no where you go online where YOU arent being tracked and monetized friend.

Except mine isn't an opinion. The ads are internal ads that only those already here will see. Not sure how you arrived at the idea that it would bring in more traffic when the only folks seeing them are already here.

As for being tracked everywhere, one can minimize that greatly. One doesn't do this by installing the tracking (ads). Especially when it seems to be breaking the structure housing them.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok. How about we only experiment with Ads on External web sites like Blogger ???


Posted from

Thx for the engagement. Merry2Sday.

f Blurt can create One Front End with Ads, earn a few thousand dollars a month to buy Blurt from exchanges, burn Blurt, pay for better image servers …then why not ?

How will it do this when it will chase off most to the other sites? Because even now I'm once again having issues with votes going through, pages loading and I assume this is because of these stupid ads. I'm also assuming that it was the installation of these ads that broke almost all front ends almost two weeks ago.

I have to assume as there is zero communication about any of this taking place with the stakeholders. Zero.

I know on my phone I now have to use Blurtlatam as I don't need this ad network tracking me. If the issues at Blurt blog continue, I'll be FORCED to use another front end, which I DON'T want to do. I feel safer using a front end that is owned by the foundation, although it didn't escape me that on the last major outage that the only app that could access the chain was a side app ran by one of the foundation tech crew. Which irked me as well, as I was thinking why isn't he putting in the effort here as he is at his site. Now I think maybe he couldn't help it because it's probably these stupid ads.

Luckily my security software blocks them, if not for my phone I wouldn't have known they were here. But if the site keeps bugging because of these ads I'll have to move on to an alternate site, and this place will become a ghost town of ads that no one will be here to view and be monetized.

Oh surprise surprise, my initial attempt to post failed like every transaction I've tried this morning. This isn't going to be a strong argument for adoption from newcomers who might come here and experience this.

no surprise transaction failed..png

failed a second time now but not wasting my Blurt of fees for a second photo

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So many unfounded assumptions are not good for the health and need sorting out.

The issues that started some 2 weeks ago had nothing to do with the adverts. They were, and continue to be, sporadic. Hence, was not such a wise idea to compound an unresolved issue by adding advertising code. So be it.

What is an issue? There is the blockchain - it is unique in the sense that all copies are identical. The RPC servers, aka API nodes, process instructions to and from the chain. The various apps interact with the chain via those nodes. Some of those apps are blogging front-ends, and some are not.

Any problems blogging, voting, logging in, whatever, can be caused by either the front-end itself or one of the RPC/API nodes. As a user, one can do oneself a huge favour, and save time, by doing some very basic investigating.

The Settings page has a dropdown menu of RPC/API nodes, so if you have got as far as logging in, then you can easily change node and check which one works. If there is one that works and the issue is resolved then the problem was with the previous node. The nodes should switch automatically but this may not happen. This is also true of any Keychain or similar app.

If there is a problem logging in, then there are other front-ends. They are currently based on the same template and read and write to the same blockchain, so it really doesn't matter which one uses.

The perception that somehow one platform doesn't work but another one does may have nothing at all to do with the platform, but with the fact that some (all?) of the new platforms also run their own RPC servers. This is actually great for the whole system as Blurt has always been short of RPC servers. But the point here is that each platform will work with whichever RPC server is also working.

For example, if you end up using and wonder why it works, that's probably because it defaults to its own RPC. If you go into its Settings page and pick another RPC that is down, then you will end up with the same issues as before.

That the issues that started some two weeks ago have not yet been resolved is a frustration for all, but the real cause has not yet been found. The above workarounds should satisfy most users most of the time.

Posted from

I appreciate (as always) the care you take in breaking things down for me. There is a reason you are the person most voted on here by myself, and my gratitude is greater than any vote can highlight.

Rather than regurgitate my lengthy reply I just spent like 20+ minutes typing, I'll drop a link here if you are interested in reading it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm glad it was taken in the spirit it was meant - as being helpful.
It was a bit terse but only as I thought a simple style would also help others who also may need a helping hand. What I had in mind was like basic car mechanics - things one shouldn't really need to call for assistance, but which still need a bit of fiddling around. lol.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As for ads, you can prob guess my personal opinion: freedom of speech and Goeggel do not mix, therefore best not to even try.

I made a different suggestion, such as Bidvertiser - the income would be less (on the assumption Goeggel doesn't pull the plug) but it has a much easier and cheaper feature that encourages local social adverts, eg those users selling Blurt merchandise, or any Blurter service. It could thus easily serve as a local ad management software rather than merely corporate ads.

Advertisers want to make a profit, and hence adverts change the nature of blogging. Many years ago I wrote on both Xomba and Hubpages. On the former, I made a lot of money as they had a genius for SEO and ad placements; on Hubpages I made almost nothing as it was filled with tedious advertorials, like washed and ironed toilet paper! Thus Hubpages was dreadful for all the personal blogs we see on Blurt, and similar, whereas Xomba seemed to have hit a happy medium - it didn't last as big-G noticed and downgraded the domain - so much for freedom, once again.

So, if it possible to share some external income, that would obviously be useful for everybody as it would also serve to increase the coin price. What is less obvious, is that the source of such income should be advertising.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Excellent. Very good feed back.

As far as I know the issues happening with had nothing to do with the Ads since the Ads were only added yesterday …

Yes, if the Foundation wants to experiment with Ads they should definitely create a new Front End … call it Blurt.temp or Blurt.lab and only do these Ad experiments there ….

And keep fast and clean.

How about that ?

I personally know they were with us Saturday night, as that was when I inadvertently discovered them. I don't wish to regurgitate my answers, so will address some of my misconceptions along with reasons they were given fertile ground to sprout in some of the other replies I received.

Thank you for your openness to listening to my opinion on this which is a little contrary to your op.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great. Thanks,

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that ads are responsible for the RPC issues.

I have been running ads on my websites and blogs since the last 10+ years and I can tell you from my experience that the issue wasn't created by ads.

The is a huge influx of users and the nodes are acting up.

We have a handful of Dev's and their have their full-time jobs and lives. The develop Blurt in their free time.

I often tell @tekraze to take time off and sleep earlier as I see him working at odd times.

I hope the issues will get solved and everyone will support our Dev's at least by saying thank you to them.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lol my sleep messed up from last two days

Posted from

Thank you for the reply.

Ad networks definitely have caused many issues over the years that I've dabbled in websites.

I've left a lengthy reply that I have no desire to regurgitate, so if interested (it also has links to some of the many thousands of cases of ads causing issues) you can find my reply here.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You have just pointed my attention to this now, this is going to help tremendously. Let me give it a try.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think the awareness will be great.... Imagine thousands of millions that will want to share experience why they earn...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I use the Brave browser so I wasn't even aware there were ads.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah… I make a lot of $$ running ads on Blogger. So I like them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Really? I think I only ever made about $0.20 in all the years I had adsense on blogger lol. I just didn't know how to get traffic I guess. My blog was too casual and more for me rather than for the audience.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes .... I have tried a lot of different things on Blogger and noticed that Offgrid, Sustainability, Organic food, health, and things like that pay much better .... Green is the hot topic these days. You have to know the Buzz words .... It's stuff I'm interested in so it was easy to create a lot of content that the Big Money Ads were looking for. I have hundreds of blogspot blogs though ….

For some, advertising is annoying, but for others, it is indispensable for quality development and innovation!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

first time I used dtube yday 😁

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome …I will go follow you there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yay!!!! thank you very much!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I open Blogger. I think Blurt should have a widget to install on Blogger and WordPress.

Widgets like Facebook and Twitter that show your activity on Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ad units are not a problem if they do not overlap with the content or completely close a web page. Then it is really more of the obstruction. Otherwise I am fine with them, mostly I don't even notice them.